Automatic Compliance Checking in Building and Construction Area

Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology), 2019

Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Guo J. (2020). Automatic Compliance Checking in Building and Construction Area. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology), 60(10), 873-879. doi: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2020.25.013 cited by count


Compliance checking of building design is essential to provide a correct design for the construction of a green, safe, and comfort building. However, traditional approach to compliance checking is highly dependent on experienced experts. It is tedious and time-consuming for the engineers, and is hard to avoid mistakes and inconsistency made during the checking process. Therefore, this paper conducted a systematic review of recent research on automatic compliance checking to reflect the state-of-the-art in this area. A framework for automatic compliance checking is proposed, under which relevant researches were divided into four aspects: rule extraction and representation, information modeling and extension, rule reasoning and execution, result reporting and visualization. With the current status and limitation summarized in these four aspects, three challenges are concluded: 1) heterogeneous information model and huge semantic gaps call for a flexible and unified model, 2) automatic rule extraction and open environment for rule sharing need to be further investigated, 3) complex spatial relationship and large scale reason capacity are required for practice.

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