Posts by Category
- Integrated BIM Application in the Construction of Beijing Ikea Shopping Mall
- Integrated Lifecycle Management of Construction Projects based on Cloud BIM
- Lifecycle Management of Modular Buildings based on Information and communication Technologies
- Research on IDM-based BIM Process Information Exchange Technology
- Research and Development of BIM-based Housing Project Planning System
- BIM Oriented Intelligent Data Mining and Representation
- BIM-Based Plan Modeling System at Preliminary Stage for Residential Real Estate Projects
- Schedule-Resource Trade-off Based on Construction Process Simulation and Simulated Annealing
- Visualization and Automatic Verification of a Schedule-Driven 4D Model
- Leveraging BIM in Settlement Monitoring and Impact Management for Subway Excavation
- Building Layout Optimization based on BIM and Sunlight Simulation
- Towards BIM-based Model Integration and Safety Analysis for Bridge Construction
- A Relativity Evaluation Approach to Unstructured Document Integration and Retrieval for Building Information Modeling
- A Topological and Hierarchical Information Integration Approach for Standard-unit-based Residential Planning
- BIM Application in Owner and EPC Contractor Collaborative Management of a Large-Scale Public Building Project
- A BIM-based Safety Monitoring and Analysis System for a High-speed Railway Bridge
- Material Management for Bridge Construction Utilizing BIM- and IoT-based Platform
- Architecture Design of Multi-level BIM Platform for Companies
- Architecture of BIM-based Lifecycle Management Platform for Hydroelectric Projects
- How Information Technology Can Improve Construction Management for General Contractor: A Case Study
- Operation-level 4D Modeling and Visualization for Modular Building based on Standard Activity Library
- BIM-based Fire Simulation
- Cloud-based Integration and Mangement of Building Information
- Monitoring Framework for Utility Tunnels based on BIM and IoT Technology
- Application Framework for On-Site Safety and Quality Inspection based on WeChat
- Ontology-Based Semantic Retrieval Method of Energy Consumption Management
- Space Detection and Reconstruction of BIM for Facility Management
- Framework of Building Performance Data Sensing and Service Platform
- Classification and Exemplary BIM Models Development of Design Changes
- Automatic MEP Knowledge Acquisition Based on Documents and Natural Language Processing
- An Agent-based Approach for Modeling Human-robot Collaboration in Bricklaying
- OpenBridgeGraph: Integrating Open Government Data for Bridge Management
- Study on the Reliability of Apartment Network System in Tsinghua University
- Data Cleaning for Building Performance Monitoring
- Towards Knowledge Graph for Intelligent Regulations such as Fire Protection Codes
- A Framework to Automate Reliability-based Structural Optimization based on Visual Programming and OpenSees
- Ontology-based Risk Assessment and Solution During Shield Tunnel Construction
- Parameterized FEA Model Generation and Simulation of Underground Structures Based on BIM: A Case Study
- Automatic Construction of Building Code Graph for Regulation Intelligence
- Data Cleaning for Prediction and its Evaluation of Building Energy Consumption
- Named Entity Recognition for Automatic Compliance Checking
- Data Management Framework for Building Energy Consumption
- Performanced-based Compliance Checking of Fire Protection Design based on Knowledge Graph
- Review on Enabling Information Technology for Intelligent Supervision
- Exploiting the Power of Human-Robot Collaboration: Coupling and Scale Effects in Bricklaying
- A New Method on System Reliability Analysis based on Survival Signature Theory
- Text Mining-Based Patent Analysis for Automated Rule Checking in AEC
- BIM–based Reliability Assessment for Design and Maintenance of Buildings and Infrastructures
- Earthquake Impact Analysis Based on Text Mining and Social Media Analytics
- BIM-based Evacuation Simulation for Subway Considering Impacts of Floods
- Intelligent Decision Support for Construction Safety based on Knowledge Graph
- Knowledge-Driven Assessment of Wind Disaster for Buildings
- Sensing Design Behaviors in BIM Environment
- A Review on Current Advances of Intelligent Construction Based on Bibliometric Analysis
- Designtracking: Track and Replay BIM-Based Design Process
- Automatic Design Method of Building Pipeline Layout Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Digital Twin based Construction Progress Tracking by Integrating BIM and 3D Reconstruction
- ChatBIM: Interactive Data Retrieval and Visualization from BIM
- Development and Verification of Rule Checking Database based on Revit Model Checker
- Evaluation and Comparison of Defect Detection Alogrithms for Concrete Structures
- Image Dataset for Indoor Fire Load Recognition
- SODA: Site Object Detection dAtaset for Deep Learning in Construction
- ART(AutoRuleTransform): Opensource Dataset and Algorithms for Automated Rule Interpretation of Building Codes
- ARCBERT: Largescale Domain Specific Dataset and Pretrained Language Model for AEC Industry
- Summer, 2020 Principal Instructor of Building Information Modeling Theory and Practice
- Application of BIM in Engineering Construction
- Research and Development of BIM-based Housing Project Planning System
- Web-oriented BIM 3D Viewing and Information Management
- Schedule-resource Trade-off Modeling and Application based on 4D-BIM
- A Natural‐Language‐Based Approach to Intelligent Data Retrieval and Representation for Cloud BIM
- BIM-based Safety Management for the Construction of Shi-ji Yellow River Bridge
- Simulation Model Generation and Application Based on BIM for Resource Allocation
- Data Conversion and Sharing for Building Performance Analyses based on IFC
- Information Classification System for Lifecycle Management of Hydroelectric Projects
- A Multi-Server Information-Sharing Environment for Cross-Party Collaboration on a Private Cloud
- A Hybrid Data Mining Approach on BIM-based Building Operation and Maintenance
- Space and MEP Topology Extraction and Application based on BIM
- Towards the Applicability of IFC for Green Building Evaluation in China
- Review and Exploratory Text Mining of Building Information Modeling Policies in China
- Multiaspect Similarity Evaluation of BIM-Based Standard Dwelling Units for Residential Design
- Present and Future of Integrated Applications of BIM, Cloud Computing, Big Data and Internet of Things
- BIM- and IoT-based Monitoring Framework for Building Performance Management
- Automating Closed-Loop Structural Safety Management for Bridge Construction through Multisource Data Integration
- Visualization of Indoor Thermal Environment on Mobile Devices based on Augmented Reality and Computational Fluid Dynamics
- A Review on 3D Spatial Data Analytics for Building Information Models
- Workpackage-based Information Modeling for Resource-Constrained Scheduling of Construction Projects
- Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem Considering Productivity and Construction Methods
- Automatic Compliance Checking in Building and Construction Area
- Building Information Modeling–based Cyber-Physical Platform for Building Performance Monitoring
- Semantic Classification and Hash Code Accelerated Detection of Design Changes in BIM Models
- A Bibliometric Review of Visual Computing in Construction Industry
- A Hybrid Data Mining Method for Tunnel Engineering Based on Real-Time Monitoring Data from Tunnel Boring Machines
- Current Status and Trends of BIM in China based on Big Data and Search Engine
- Understanding On-Site Inspection of Construction Projects based on Keyword Extraction and Topic Modeling
- A Framework for the Automatic Integration and Diagnosis of Building Energy Consumption Data
- Linking Data Model and Formula to Automate KPI Calculation for Building Performance Benchmarking
- An Approach to Twinning and Mining Collaborative Network of Construction Projects
- Knowledge Extraction and Discovery Based on BIM: A Critical Review and Future Directions
- Framing and Evaluating the Best Practices of IFC-Based Automated Rule Checking: A Case Study
- A Data Integration and Simplification Framework for Improving Site Planning and Building Design
- Deep Learning-based Instance Segmentation for Indoor Fire Load Recognition
- Review on Intelligent Performance Evaluation of Construction Supervisors
- Rule-based Information Extraction for Mechanical-Electrical-Plumbing-Specific Semantic Web
- How Human-robot Collaboration Impacts Construction Productivity: An Agent-based Multi-fidelity Modeling Approach
- Digital Twin-Based Investigation of a Building Collapse Accident
- Pretrained Domain-Specific Language Model for Natural Language Processing Tasks in the AEC Domain
- Disaster Tweets Classification Method based on Pretrained BERT Model
- Intelligent Construction Driven by Digitalization
- Integrating NLP and Context-Free Grammar for Complex Rule Interpretation towards Automated Compliance Checking
- SODA: A Large-scale Open Site Object Detection Dataset for Deep Learning in Construction
- Knowledge-Informed Semantic Alignment and Rule Interpretation for Automated Compliance Checking
- Transforming Knowledge Management in the Construction Industry through Information and Communications Technology: A 15-year Review
- Maturity Assessment of Intelligent Construction Management
- Research on Data Security of Engineering Information Sharing Mechanism based on GDPR Principle
- Adaptive Control of Resource Flow to Optimize Construction Work and Cash Flow via Online Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Intelligent and Computer Technologies' Application in Construction
- System Reliability Analysis for Independent and Nonidentical Components based on Survival Signature
- Data-Driven Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Construction Supervisors
- Recent Research Progress in Intelligent Construction: A Comparison between China and Developed Countries
- BIM–based Time-varying System Reliability Analysis for Buildings and Infrastructures
- Research and Application of Intelligent Design Review
- A Multilayer Perceptron-based Fast Sunlight Assessment for the Conceptual Design of Residential Neighborhoods under Chinese Policy
- A Text Classification-based Approach for Evaluating and Enhancing the Machine Interpretability of Building Codes
- A New Interaction Paradigm for Architectural Design Driven by Large Language Model: Proof of Concept with Rhino7
- Automatic Function Extraction and Analysis for Interpreting Complex Rules from Building Codes
- Enhanced Earthquake Impact Analysis based on Social Media Texts via Large Language Model
- Intelligent Design Method of Subgrade Retaining based on Bentley
- Digital Selves Based Intelligent Construction Framework
- Key Technologies and Applications of Intelligent Interpretation of Building Engineering Standards
- We are the Winner of buildingSMART openBIM Awards 2023
- Call for Paper: Intelligent and Computer Technologies Application in Construction Volume II
- Call for Papers: 3D Computer Vision and Smart Building and City
- Specification for Design of Geotechnical Engineering Information Model in Beijing is Published
- Call for Paper: Intelligent and Computer Technologies Application in Construction
- Our group won the Second Prize of the 2021 Science and Technology Award of Shanghai Society of Civil Engineering
- Special Issue on Smart Sensing in Building and Construction – Call for Papers from Sensors Journal
- Specification for Design Delivery of BIM for Hydropower Projects is Published
- Specification for Data Description of BIM for Hydropower Projects is Published
- Building Information Modeling Standard of Guizhou is Published
- Symposium on Digital Transformation of Construction Industry after COVID-19 Pandemic is Held in Taiyuan, China
- Our paper on ACC is one of the most downloaded papers of Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology)
- Our paper is featured as hot paper of Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology)
- Journals and Conferences related to Construction Informatics and Computing in the AEC Industry
- Opensource Tools for Building Information Modeling
- Open Position for Postdoctoral Fellow: Digital Infrastructure Twin
- Call for Paper: Special Issue on Digital Twin in AEC Industry of the journal Advances in Civil Engineering
- Our paper is one of most downloaded and read papers of Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology)
- 4 of our papers ranked top 20/50 among CNKI most downloaded papers
- Our paper was selected as the best paper of Journal of Graphics
- Our paper is one of most downloaded papers of Automation in Construction
- My studens won the 1st prize of student research training program of Tsinghua
- I won the 3rd prize of teaching competition for young faculities in Beijing
- I won the 1st prize of teaching competition for young faculities in Tsinghua
- 2012.8-2014.12: BIM Application in Construction of Ikea Shopping Center II in Daxing, Beijing
- 2013.1-2016.12: Technologies of BIM Integration and Application for Building Lifecycle Based on Cloud Computing
- 2013.10-2016.10: Digital Development of Industrial Residential Projects based on Lifecycle Mangement Ministry of Science and Technology
- 2014.8-2015.12:BIM Application in the Construction of Baishatuo Yangtze River Bridge
- 2014.8-2017.6: Investigation and Development of BIM Platform for Rail Transit
- 2015.1-2018.12: Research on BIM-based safety management technologies for large public buildings during operation and maintenance
- 2015.1-2015.12: Theory and System Framework for IoT-based Lifecycle Management of Hydropower Projects
- 2015.1-2016.12: BIM-based Safety Monitoring and 4D Management System for Construction of Shi-ji Yellow River
- 2015.1-2016.12: BIM Application in Construction of Tecent Beijing Headquaters
- 2015.6-2017.12: BIM-based Construction and Operation of Largescale Buildings
- 2016.7-2019.6: BIM/GIS- and IoT-based Simulation, Sensing and Management of Utility Tunnels
- 2016.9-2018.3: Dynamic monitoring and analysis of urban utility tunnels based on BIM and IoT
- 2016.9-2017.12: Digital Platform for Facility Management of Kunming Airport
- 2017.7-2020.7: Dynamic Cloud Service for Building Performance Management
- 2017.10-2019.12: Spatial Data Analytics for BIM-based Facility Management
- 2018.1-2021.12: Research on information-driven multi-scale performance simulation and analysis technologies for existing buildings
- 2018.12-2022.12: BIM-based Standard House Design for Rural Area
- 2019.1-2020.12: Automatic Code Checking for Fire and Evacuation based on Ontology and BIM
- 2019.1-2020.12: Algorithmic Governance of Interactive Building
- 2019.1-2020.1: Information Modeling Standard for Hydraulic Project
- 2019.6-2020.6: Lifecycle Management of National Skating Stadium based on BIM and Big Data
- 2019.10-2020.12: Automatic Checking of BIM-based Design
- 2020.1-2022.12: Automatic Compliance Checking of Performance-based Fire Protection Design by Integrating Reasoning and Simulation
- 2020.11-2023.1: Application and Evaluation of Intelligent Supervision Technology for Construction Projects
- 2021.1-2025.12: Resilience Assessment and Management of City Infrastructures
- 2023.12-2026.11: Digital Twin Driven Simulation for Construction and Renovation of Buildings
- 2023.12-2027.11: Knowledge Base for Building Codes and Standards
- 2024.1-2027.12: Data- and Knowledge-Driven Detection and Optimziation of Temporal Spatial Conflicts in Complex MEP Systems
- Improving Decision-Making Process of AEC Projects by Connecting the Virtual and Physical World
- Classification and Exemplary BIM Models Developments of Design Changes
- ISARC Classification and Exemplary BIM Models Developments of Design Changes
- AR-based CFD Visualization on Mobile Devices
- Recent Development of BIM Platform for Modular Construction
- Development of Smart BIM Platform for Construction Projects
- Policies, Standards, Practice and Trends of BIM in China
- OpenBridgeGraph: Integrating Open Government Data for Bridge Management
- Smart Decision Making based on Digital Twin
- A Framework to Automate Reliability-based Structural Optimization based on Visual Programming and OpenSees
- Recent Development and Practice of Automatic Rule Checking in China
- Automatic Rule Extraction based on NLP for Compliance Checking
- Simulating Human-Robot Collaboration in Construction using Agent-based Modeling
- Opensource Tool for AR-based Visualization of Computational Fluid Dynamics(CFD)
- A Spotlight Simulator for Presentation and Online Courses based on AHK
- AHK Spotlight v1.6 released
- New Features of AHK Spotlight, Rectangular Spotlight and Config Saving
- Spring, 2012 Teaching Assistant of Computer-aided Engineering Drawing
- Spring, 2013 Teaching Assistant of Computer-aided Engineering Drawing
- Spring, 2017 Instructor of Computer-aided Engineering Drawing
- Spring, 2017 Instructor of Computer-aided Civil Engineering
- Autumn, 2018 Instructor of Building Information Modeling Technology
- Spring, 2019 Instructor of Computer-aided Engineering Drawing
- Autumn, 2019 Principal Instructor of Building Information Modeling Technology
- Spring, 2020 Instructor of Computer-aided Engineering Drawing
- Autumn, 2020 Principal Instructor of Building Information Modeling Technology
- Autumn, 2020 Principal Instructor of Data Science
- Spring, 2021 Instructor of Computer-aided Engineering Drawing