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About me
Our group won the winner in the category of professional research of the 2023 buildingSMART openBIM Awards
Excited to announce that the special issue with Dr. Hongling guo, Dr. Yantao Yu are calling for submissions for volume II, the topic is about intelligent and computer technologies in the construction area. Reviews, original research papers related to BIM, CV, digital twin, ML, laser scanning, etc., are all welcome, submission deadline is May 31,2023.
Together with Dr. Yu-Shen Liu, Dr. Ge Gao from Tsinghua University, Dr. Xiaoping Zhou from Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Dr. Yi Fang and Dr. Anthony Tzes from New York University Abu Dhabi, we organized a topic related to 3D CV and BIM, multiple SCI-indexed journals including Drones, Sustainability, Sensors, Buildings, and Energies are involved. Please submit your manuscript before April 30, 2023
Specification for Design of Geotechnical Engineering Information Model in Beijing is published, our group is one of the main contributors
Excited to start a special issue with Dr. Hongling guo, Dr. Yantao Yu, the topic is about intelligent and computer technologies in the construction area. Reviews, original research papers related to BIM, CV, digital twin, ML, laser scanning, etc., are all welcome, submission deadline is July 31,2022.
Our group won the Second Prize of the 2021 Science and Technology Award of Shanghai Society of Civil Engineering with the project entitled Virtual Construction of Largescale Projects based on BIM and AI, the project was jointly completed by Tsinghua, Shanghai Construction No.4 Group and Shanghai Construction Group.
Excited to start a special issue with Dr. Zhenzhong Hu, Dr. Jérôme Frisch, Dr. Qian WANG,Dr. Yichuan Deng, Dr. Yi Tan, the theme is Smart Sensing in Building and Construction. Reviews, new sensing and data mining approaches, real-world applications are all welcome, submission deadline is October 31,2021.
Specification for Design Delivery of BIM for Hydropower Projects is Published, our group is one of the main contributors
Specification for Data Description of BIM for Hydropower Projects is Published, our group is one of the main contributors
Building Information Modeling Standard of Guizhou is Published on December 31, 2020. Our group is one of the leading contributors of this standard
I organized a Symposium together with the 6th National Conference on BIM in Taiyuan, China, the theme is Digital Transformation of Construction Industry after COVID-19 Pandemic, more than 1000 scholars joined the symposium online and offline
Our paper on ACC is one of the most downloaded papers of Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology) in 2020
Our paper on automatic compliance checking is featured as a hot paper of Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology)
This post lists journals and conferences related to construction informatics and computing technologies in the AEC industry
This page collects and lists all available opensource tools for BIM
The institute of disaster prevention and mitigation at Tsinghua University invites applications for the position of postdoctoral fellow in the field of digital infrastructure twin. Applicants should hold a Ph.D. degree (Civil Engineering or Construction Informatics) within last three years and under 35 years old. Please submit your application before December 31, 2020.
Prof Zhen-Zhong Hu, Dr. Jiansong Zhang, Dr. Qian Wang and me organized a special issue on digital twin in the AEC industry of the journal Advances in Civil Engineering, please submit your paper before August 7, 2020
Our paper is one of most downloaded papers in 30 days and most read papers in 2 years of Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology)
4 of our papers ranked top 20/50 among CNKI most downloaded papers, and one is the most cited paper of the journal Construction Technology
Our paper was selected as the best paper from of Journal of Graphics, and is one of the most downloaded papers in 1-3 years
Our paper on resource-constrained project scheduling is one of Automation in Construction’s most downloaded papers
My studens won the 1st prize of student research training program of Tsinghua
I won the 3rd prize of teaching competition for young faculities in Beijing
I won the 1st prize of teaching competition for young faculities in Tsinghua
Our paper on resource-constrained project scheduling is one of Automation in Construction’s most downloaded papers
Together with Prof. van Treeck’s group, we developed a tool for AR-based CFD visualization of indoor thermal environment, which could reduce computational cost and improve visualization efficiency dramatically
A Spotlight Simulator for Presentation and Online Courses based on AHK
AHK Spotlight v1.6 released, supports retangular spotlight, and zooming spotlight using mouse wheel
AHK Spotlight is updating again, rectangular spotlight was added, and all your setting could be saved and reloaded later ^_^
Our group developed the first image dataset for recognition of indoor fire loads
With collaboration with Dr. Yichuan Deng from South China University of Technology, we developed a large-scale image dataset for deep learning based site object detection, the dataset contains images taken from different view angles and ambient lighting conditions, and covers various objects such workers, equipments, materials, etc.
For the digitalization and automated interpretation of regulatory documents, our team developed and opensourced the first large scale dataset in Chinese for automated rule transformation. Corresponding algorithms proposed for rule interpretation are also opensourced. Various types of clauses, including simple clauses, complex clauses with multiple constraints, high-order constraints and implicit properties are considered when developing the dataset and algorithms, which laid a solid foundation for future explorations.
We developed and opensource the first largescale domain specific dataset and pretrained language model for NLP applications in the AEC industry, which outperformed traditional methods in various NLP tasks
Company Sponsored, Beijing Urban Construction Group Co., Ltd., 2012
NSFC Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2013
National High Tech R&D Program, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2013
Company Sponsored, China Railway Major Bridge Engineering Group Co., Ltd., 2014
Company Sponsored, Guangzhou Rail Transit Construction Supervision Co., Ltd, 2014
NSFC Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2015
Company Sponsored, Chengdu Engineering Corporation Limited, 2015
Company Sponsored, Steel Structure Construction Co., Ltd. of China Tiesiju Civil Engineering Group, 2015
Company Sponsored, North Group of China Construction Third Bureau First Engineering Co., Ltd., 2015
Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Project, Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, 2015
Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program, China Association for Science and Technology, 2016
Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation Project, Chinese Postdoctoral Science Foundation Commission, 2016
Company Sponsored, Kunming Changshui International Airport, 2016
National Key R&D Program, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2017
Company sponsored, Tsinghua-Glodon Joint Research Center for BIM, 2017
NSFC Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2018
National Key R&D Program, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2018
BNSF project, Beijing Natural Science Foundation, 2019
Tsinghua Unviersity-University of Toronto Joint Initiative Program, Tsinghua University, 2019
Company sponsored, Shanghai Survey and Design Institute Co., Ltd., 2019
Company Sponsored, Beijing National Skating Stadium O&M Co., Ltd., 2019
Company sponsored, Tsinghua-Glodon Joint Research Center for BIm, 2019
NSFC Project, National Science Foundation of China, 2020
Science and Technology Plan Project of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Transportation, Zhejiang Provincial Department of Transportation, 2020
NSFC Major Program, National Science Foundation of China, 2021
National Key R&D Program, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2023
National Key R&D Program, Ministry of Science and Technology, 2023
NSFC Project, National Science Foundation of China, 2024
Published in 14th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 2012
This research proposes a method for IDM-based BIM data exchange.
Recommended citation: Zhang, J., Lin, J.*, Hu, Z., Yu, F. (2012). Research on IDM-based BIM Process Information Exchange Technology. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. Moscow, Russia.
Published in Construction Technology, 2012
This paper summarizes the technical framework, BIM systems and applications in construction
Recommended citation: Zhang, J.*, Li, D., Lin, J., Yan, G. (2012). Application of BIM in Engineering Construction. Construction Technology, 41(16), 10-17. (in Chinese)
Published in the 16th National Conference of Computer Application in Civil Engineering, 2012
This paper proposes a BIM- and 4D-based planning and evaluation method and prototype system for planning of residential projects
Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Zhang, J., He, T., Jia, W., Wu, Z. (2012). Research and Development of BIM-based Housing Project Planning System. Proceedings of the 16th National Conference of Computer Application in Civil Engineering, 355-362. China Civil Engineering Society. Guangzhou, China. (in Chinese)
Published in Journal of Information Technology in Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2013
This paper proposes a BIM- and 4D-based planning and evaluation method and prototype system for planning of residential projects
Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Zhang, J., He, T., Jia, W., Wu, Z. (2013). Research and Development of BIM-based Housing Project Planning System. Journal of Information Technology in Civil Engineering and Architecture, 5(1), 22-26. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2013.01.004 (in Chinese)
Published in Journal of Information Technology in Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2013
This paper proposes a BIM visualization and management framework based on WebGL
Recommended citation: Wang, H., Hu, Z., Lin, J., Zhang, J.* (2013). Web-oriented BIM 3D Viewing and Information Management. Journal of Information Technology in Civil Engineering and Architecture, 5(3), 1-7. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2013.03.011 (in Chinese)
Published in 30th CIB W78 International Conference on Information technology for Construction, 2013
This paper presents a NLP-based method for intelligent data retrieval and representation from BIM database.
Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Hu, Z. and Zhang, J. (2013). BIM Oriented Intelligent Data Mining and Representation. Proceedings of the 30th CIB W78 International Conference on Information Technology for Construction, 280-289. Beijing, China.
Published in Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 2014
This paper proposes an fast plan modeling system for residential design based standard BIM model library.
Recommended citation: He, T., Lin, J., Hu, Z., Zhang, J., Jia, W., Su, J. (2014). BIM-Based Plan Modeling System at Preliminary Stage for Residential Real Estate Projects. Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 61, 488-495.
Published in Research and Application of BIM in the Construction of Largescale Projects, 2014
This chapter introduces how BIM is applied in the construction management of Beijing Ikea shopping mall
Recommended citation: Duan, X.J., Zhang, J.P., Fang, X.W., Lin, J.R. (2014). Integrated BIM Application in the Construction of Beijing Ikea Shopping Mall. Research and Application of BIM in the Construction of Largescale Projects, 143-162. China Architecture & Building Press. Beijing, China.
Published in the 17th National Conference on Computer Application in Civil Engineering, 2014
This paper proposes a integrated solution for schedule-resource tradeoff based on 4D-BIM and process simulation
Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Zhang, J., Zhong, Y. (2014). Schedule-Resource Trade-off Based on Construction Process Simulation and Simulated Annealing. Proceedings of the 17th National Conference on Computer Application in Civil Engineering, 41-46. China Civil Engineering Society. Beijing, China. (in Chinese)
Published in Journal of Information Technology in Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2014
This research proposes an automatic schedule-resource tradeoff modeling and simulation approach for construction, which could avoid rework and improve work efficiency
Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Zhang, J., Zhong, Y. (2014). Schedule-resource Trade-off Modeling and Application based on 4D-BIM. Journal of Information Technology in Civil Engineering and Architecture, 6(6), 44-49. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2014.06.009 (in Chinese)
Published in Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2015
This paper proposes a NLP-based user query understanding, BIM data query and visualization method for non-experts.
Recommended citation: Lin, J., Hu, Z.*, Zhang, J., Yu, F. (2016). A Natural‐Language‐Based Approach to Intelligent Data Retrieval and Representation for Cloud BIM. Computer‐Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 31, 18-33. doi: 10.1111/mice.12151
Published in 15th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, 2015
This paper presents a visualization and verification method of 4D model.
Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Zhang, J., He, T., Hu, Z., Yao, F. (2015). Visualization and Automatic Verification of a Schedule-Driven 4D Model. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality. Banff, Alberta, Canada.
Published in 32nd CIB W78 International Conference on Information technology for Construction, 2015
This paper presents a BIM-based method for settlement monitoring and impact management.
Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Zhang, J., Wen, Q., Wang, F. (2015). Leveraging BIM in Settlement Monitoring and Impact Management for Subway Excavation. Proceedings of the 32nd CIB W78 International Conference on Information Technology for Construction, 469-477. Eindhoven, the Netherlands.
Published in the 1st National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2015
This paper proposes an improved genetic algorithm for building layour optimization based on BIM and sunlight simulation
Recommended citation: Ruan, Y., He, T.*, Zhang, J., Lin, J. (2015). Building Layout Optimization based on BIM and Sunlight Simulation. Proceedings of the 1st National Conference on Building Information Modeling. Beijing, China. (in Chinese)
Published in Railway Technical Innovation, 2015
This paper proposes a BIM-based safety analysis, monitoring and management approach for bridge construction
Recommended citation: Zhang, X., Lin, J.*, Fang, J., Du, S., Hu, Z., Zhang, J., Liang, C. (2015). BIM-based Safety Management for the Construction of Shi-ji Yellow River Bridge. Railway Technical Innovation, 6, 74-76. doi: 10.19550/j.issn.1672-061x.2015.06.016 (in Chinese)
Published in Construction Technology, 2016
This paper proposes a method for automatic generation of DES model for resource allocation based on BIM
Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Zhang, J. (2016). Simulation Model Generation and Application Based on BIM for Resource Allocation. Construction Technology, 45(18), 1-6. doi: 10.7672/sgjs2016180001 (in Chinese)
Published in Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology), 2016
This paper proposes an algorithm converting IFC to gbXML for building performance analyses
Recommended citation: Lin, J., Zhang, J.* (2016). Data Conversion and Sharing for Building Performance Analyses based on IFC. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology), 56(9), 997-1002. doi: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2016.21.057 (in Chinese)
Published in 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 2016
This research proposes an approach to integrating BIM with structural model for safety analysis during bridge constructiion.
Recommended citation: Zhang, X., Lin, J.*, Hu, Z., Zhang, J., Fang, J., Du, S. (2016). Towards BIM-based Model Integration and Safety Analysis for Bridge Construction. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 1091-1097. Osaka, Japan.
Published in 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 2016
This research proposes a relativity evaluation method for linking unstructured documents with BIM facilitating the retrieval process.
Recommended citation: Zhang, Y., Zhang, J.*, Liu, Q., Lin, J. (2016). A Relativity Evaluation Approach to Unstructured Document Integration and Retrieval for Building Information Modeling. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 936-942. Osaka, Japan.
Published in 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 2016
This paper proposes an approach to the integration of topological and hierarchical data for residential design.
Recommended citation: He, T., Zhang, J., Lin, J.*, Jia, W., Hu, Z. (2016). A Topological and Hierarchical Information Integration Approach for Standard-unit-based Residential Planning. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 381-388. Osaka, Japan.
Published in 33rd CIB W78 International Conference on Information technology for Construction, 2016
This paper describes a detailed BIM application for collaboration of owners and general contractors.
Recommended citation: Wen, Q., Lin, J., Zhang, J.*, Wang, X., Qiu, C. (2016). BIM Application in Owner and EPC Contractor Collaborative Management of a Large-Scale Public Building Project. Proceedings of the 33rd CIB W78 International Conference on Information Technology for Construction. Brisbane, Australia.
Published in 33rd CIB W78 International Conference on Information technology for Construction, 2016
This paper proposes a BIM-based safety monitoring and structural analysis system for bridges.
Recommended citation: Zhou, Y., Hu, Z.*, Zhang, X., Lin, J. (2016). A BIM-based Safety Monitoring and Analysis System for a High-speed Railway Bridge. Proceedings of the 33rd CIB W78 International Conference on Information Technology for Construction. Brisbane, Australia.
Published in the 2nd National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2016
This research proposes an approach to material management based on BIM and IoT platform for bridge construction
Recommended citation: He, T., Yao, F., Lin, J.*, Zhang, J., Chen, H. (2016). Material Management for Bridge Construction Utilizing BIM- and IoT-based Platform. Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 185-189. China Architecture&Building Press. Guangzhou, China. (in Chinese)
Published in the 2nd National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2016
This paper proposes an platform architecture to share information for collaboration of multi-level organizations of a company
Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Yang, M., Zhou, Y., Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., Zhang, J. (2016). Architecture Design of Multi-level BIM Platform for Companies. Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 195-199. China Architecture&Building Press. Guangzhou, China. (in Chinese)
Published in the 2nd National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2016
This paper establishes an architecture for lifecycle management of hydroelectric projects by integrating BIM, Cloud Computing, and IoT
Recommended citation: Zhang, Z., Wen, Q., Zhang, Y., Feng, Y., Lin, J.*, Zhang, J. (2016). Architecture of BIM-based Lifecycle Management Platform for Hydroelectric Projects. Proceedings of the 2nd National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 190-194. China Architecture&Building Press. Guangzhou, China. (in Chinese)
Published in Journal of Engineering Management, 2017
This research established an information classification system for lifecycle management of hydroelectric projects
Recommended citation: Zhang, Z., Wang, H., Lin, J., Feng, Y., Zhang, J.* (2017). Information Classification System for Lifecycle Management of Hydroelectric Projects. Journal of Engineering Management, 31(4), 131-136. doi: 10.13991/j.cnki.jem.2017.04.024
Published in 3rd International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics & 2017 Conference on Computer Applications in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering, 2017
This paper discusses how information technologies can improve construction management.
Recommended citation: Zhang, Y., Lin, J.*, Zhang J. Fang, D., Hu, Z. (2017). How Information Technology Can Improve Construction Management for General Contractor: A Case Study. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Civil and Building Engineering Informatics & 2017 Conference on Computer Applications in Civil and Hydraulic Engineering (ICCBEI&CCACHE 2017), 22-25. Taipei, Taiwan.
Published in Automation in Construction, 2017
This paper proposes a multi-server environment for cross-party collaboration with special concern on data ownership and privacy.
Recommended citation: Zhang, J., Liu, Q., Hu, Z., Lin, J.*, Yu, F. (2017). A Multi-Server Information-Sharing Environment for Cross-Party Collaboration on a Private Cloud. Automation in Construction, 81, 180-195. doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2017.06.021
Published in 2017 Lean & Computing in Construction Congress (LC3), 2017
This paper presents a operational-level 4D modeling and visualization method for modular construction based on standard activity library.
Recommended citation: Wang, H., Lin, J.*, Zhang, J. (2017). Operation-level 4D Modeling and Visualization for Modular Building based on Standard Activity Library. LC3 2017: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Computing in Construction (JC3), 841-848. Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Published in Building and Environment, 2017
This paper proposes a BIM-based hybrid data mining approach for building operation and maintenance.
Recommended citation: Peng, Y., Lin, J.R., Zhang, J.P., Hu, Z.Z.* (2017). A Hybrid Data Mining Approach on BIM-based Building Operation and Maintenance. Building and Environment, 126, 483-495. doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2017.09.030
Published in the 3rd National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2017
This research extends a few parameters of BIM for fire simulation, and an algorithm to automatically generate FDS file is proposed
Recommended citation: Leng, S., Lin, J.*, He, T., Zhang, J. (2017). BIM-based Fire Simulation. Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 366-371. China Architecture&Building Press. Shanghai, China. (in Chinese)
Published in the 3rd National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2017
This paper proposes an approach to integrate and manage heterogeneous building information based on cloud computing with the consideration of data privacy
Recommended citation: Zhang, Y., Liu, Q., Lin, J.*, Zhang, J. (2017). Cloud-based Integration and Mangement of Building Information. Proceedings of the 3rd National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 399-403. China Architecture&Building Press. Shanghai, China. (in Chinese)
Published in Key Technologies and Engineering Applications of Smart Construction, 2017
This chapter introduces how cloud BIM platform is utilized in the lifecycle management of the Beijing Huaifang water plant
Recommended citation: Zhang, J.P., Lin, J.R., Zhang, Y.Y. (2017). Integrated Lifecycle Management of Construction Projects based on Cloud BIM. Key Technologies and Engineering Applications of Smart Construction, 31-50. China Architecture & Building Press. Beijing, China.
Published in Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology), 2018
This paper proposes a BIM-based method for space and MEP topological information extraction and application for path finding and facility management
Recommended citation: Zhang, J., He, T., Lin, J.*, et al. (2018). Space and MEP Topology Extraction and Application based on BIM. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology), 58(6), 587-592. doi: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2018.26.018 (in Chinese)
Published in Journal of Graphics, 2018
This research extracts the information requirements and analyzes the applicability of IFC for green building evaluation in China, which is helpful for creating and updating building codes
Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Zhang, J. (2018). Towards the Applicability of IFC for Green Building Evaluation in China. Journal of Graphics, 39(4), 765-770. doi: 10.11996/JG.j.2095-302X.2018040765 (in Chinese)
Published in Construction Technology, 2018
This paper reviews BIM policies from 2013-2017 of China, and shows that BIM has been deeply applied in the industry
Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Zhang, J. (2018). Review and Exploratory Text Mining of Building Information Modeling Policies in China. Construction Technology, 47(6), 73-78. doi: 10.7672/sgjs2018060073 (in Chinese)
Published in Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 2018
This paper proposes a method that evaluates the similarity of BIM-based standard dwelling unit from the aspects of attribute, topology, and shape.
Recommended citation: He, T., Zhang, J., Lin, J.*, Li, Y. (2018). Multiaspect Similarity Evaluation of BIM-Based Standard Dwelling Units for Residential Design. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 32(5), 04018032. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000774
Published in 17th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 2018
This research presents a BIM- and IoT-based monitoring framework for utility tunnels.
Recommended citation: Kang, K., Lin, J.*, Zhang, J. (2018). Monitoring Framework for Utility Tunnels based on BIM and IoT Technology. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. Tampere, Finland.
Published in 17th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, 2018
This paper proposes a framework for on-site inspection based wechat.
Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Zhang, J., Wu, D., Li, B., Gao, H. (2018). Application Framework for On-Site Safety and Quality Inspection based on WeChat. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering. Tampere, Finland.
Published in Advances in Informatics and Computing in Civil and Construction Engineering, 2018
This paper presents an ontology-based method for the retrieval of energy consumption data.
Recommended citation: Xiao, Y., Hu, Z.*, Lin, J. (2019). Ontology-Based Semantic Retrieval Method of Energy Consumption Management. Advances in Informatics and Computing in Civil and Construction Engineering, 231-238. Springer International Publishing. Chicago,Illinois, US.
Published in Journal of Graphics, 2018
This paper reviews studies on the integration of BIM, IoT, Cloud Computing, and future trends and challenges are summarized
Recommended citation: Zhang, Y., Lin, J.*, Zhang, J. (2018). Present and Future of Integrated Applications of BIM, Cloud Computing, Big Data and Internet of Things. Journal of Graphics, 39(5), 806-816. doi: 10.11996/JG.j.2095-302X.2018050806
Published in Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 2018
This paper proposes a BIM- and IoT-based monitoring for building performance management
Recommended citation: Kang, K., Lin, J.*, Zhang, J. (2018). BIM- and IoT-based Monitoring Framework for Building Performance Management. Journal of Structural Integrity and Maintenance, 3(4), 254-261.
Published in the 4th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2018
This paper proposes a 3D-voxelization-based approach to detecting and reconstructing spaces from BIM models without space information for facility management
Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Zhang, J. (2018). Space Detection and Reconstruction of BIM for Facility Management. Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 289-293. China Architecture&Building Press. Hefei, China. (in Chinese)
Published in the 4th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2018
This research proposes a scalable framework for building performance data sensing and service
Recommended citation: Zhang, Y., Lin, J.*, Kang, K., Zhang, J. (2018). Framework of Building Performance Data Sensing and Service Platform. Proceedings of the 4th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 331-335. China Architecture&Building Press. Hefei, China. (in Chinese)
Published in Advances in Engineering Software, 2019
This paper proposes an integrated framework automates closed-loop management of structural safety during bridge construction.
Recommended citation: Lin, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, X., Hu, Z.* (2019). Automating Closed-Loop Structural Safety Management for Bridge Construction through Multisource Data Integration. Advances in Engineering Software, 128, 152-168. doi: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2018.11.013
Published in Automation in Construction, 2019
This research proposes an approach to AR-based CFD visualization on mobile devices for indoor thermal environment. Comparing to the widely used vtk format, a data compression ratio of 63.4% and a loading time saving ratio of 89.3% are achieved. Source code and test data are available on github.
Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Cao, J., Zhang, J., van Treeck, C., Frisch, J. (2019). Visualization of Indoor Thermal Environment on Mobile Devices based on Augmented Reality and Computational Fluid Dynamics. Automation in Construction, 103, 26-40. doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2019.02.007
Published in 2019 Proceedings of the 36th ISARC, 2019
This research provides a new method on classifying design changes from an engineers view, and estalished a few exemplary BIM models for validation relevant design change detection methods
Recommended citation: Lin, J.R.*, Zhou, Y.C., Zhang, J.P., Hu, Z.Z. (2019). Classification and Exemplary BIM Models Development of Design Changes. 2019 Proceedings of the 36th ISARC, 122-127. Banff, Alberta, Canada. doi: 10.22260/ISARC2019/0017
Published in Report on the Application of ICTs in the Construction Area of China: Developments and Applications in Modular Construction, 2019
This chapter summarizes the features, system architecture, key technologies, and applications of cloud platform for the lifecycle management of modular buildings
Recommended citation: Lin, J.R., Wang, C.Y., Zhou, C., Zhang, J.P., et al. (2019). Lifecycle Management of Modular Buildings based on Information and communication Technologies. Report on the Application of ICTs in the Construction Area of China: Developments and Applications in Modular Construction, 287-320. China Electric Power Press. Beijing, China.
Published in Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2019
This paper provides a systematic review on 3D spatial data analytics for BIM, state-of-the-art, challenges and potential directions are provided
Recommended citation: Zhou, Y.W., Hu, Z.Z., Lin, J.R.*, Zhang, J.P. (2020). A Review on 3D Spatial Data Analytics for Building Information Models. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 27(5), 1449-1463. doi: 10.1016/10.1007/s11831-019-09356-6
Published in Automation in Construction, 2019
This work proposes a workpackage based information modeling approach for resource-constrained scheduling , which covers most of the information requirements for resouce-schedule optimization and is useful for last planner system.
Recommended citation: Wang, H.W., Lin, J.R.*, Zhang, J.P. (2020). Workpackage-based Information Modeling for Resource-Constrained Scheduling of Construction Projects. Automation in Construction, 109, 102958. doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2019.102958
Published in 36th CIB W78 2019 Conference, 2019
This paper proposes an automatic approach to knowledge graph construction based on NLP and deep learning
Recommended citation: Leng, S., Hu, Z.Z.*, Luo, Z., Zhang, J.P., Lin, J.R. (2019). Automatic MEP Knowledge Acquisition Based on Documents and Natural Language Processing. Proceedings of the 36th CIB W78 2019 Conference, 800-809. Newcastle, United Kingdom.
Published in Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology), 2019
This research proposes a novel method that considers productivity and construction methods in modeling and solving resource-constrained project problem
Recommended citation: Wang, H., Lin, J.*, Zhang, J. (2020). Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem Considering Productivity and Construction Methods. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology), 60(3), 271-277. doi: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2019.21.035
Published in Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology), 2019
This paper reviews state-of-the-art of BIM-based compliance checking, and provides suggestions for future research
Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Guo J. (2020). Automatic Compliance Checking in Building and Construction Area. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology), 60(10), 873-879. doi: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2020.25.013
Published in International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2020
This research presents a scalable BIM-based cyber-physical platform for building performance monitoring.
Recommended citation: Zhang, Y.Y., Kang, K., Lin, J.R.*, Zhang, J.P., Zhang, Y. (2020). Building Information Modeling–based Cyber-Physical Platform for Building Performance Monitoring. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 16(2), 1-21. doi: 10.1177/1550147720908170
Published in Automation in Construction, 2020
This research proposes a semantic classification and hash-code-accelerated detection of design changes in BIM models
Recommended citation: Lin, J.R.*, Zhou, Y.C. (2020). Semantic Classification and Hash Code Accelerated Detection of Design Changes in BIM Models. Automation in Construction, 115, 103212. doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2020.103212
Published in Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art, 2020
This paper conducts a bibliometric review of visual computing techniques including BIM, CV, laser scanning, AR in the construction industry
Recommended citation: Wang, H.W., Hu, Z.Z., Lin, J.R.* (2020). A Bibliometric Review of Visual Computing in Construction Industry. Visual Computing for Industry, Biomedicine, and Art, 3, 14. doi: 10.1186/s42492-020-00050-0
Published in IEEE Access, 2020
This paper proposes a hybrid data mining method for the safety management of TBM construction
Recommended citation: Leng, S., Lin, J.R., Hu, Z.Z.*, Shen, X. (2020). A Hybrid Data Mining Method for Tunnel Engineering Based on Real-Time Monitoring Data from Tunnel Boring Machines. IEEE Access, 8, 90430-90449. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.2994115
Published in Construction Technology, 2020
By analyzing baidu search index of BIM from 2011 to 2019, it is concluded that there exists significant differences of BIM development between different provinces of China, and new strategies to eliminate regional differences, development of BIM software and personnel trainning are suggested
Recommended citation: Lin, J.R.*, Cheng, G.F. (2020). Current Status and Trends of BIM in China based on Big Data and Search Engine. Construction Technology, 49(9), 96-99. doi: 10.7672/sgjs2020090096
Published in 2020 Proceedings of the 37th ISARC, 2020
This research proposes an agent-based modeling approach to simulate human-robot collaboration in bricklaying, result shows that communication model and human factors have a significant impact on construction productivity
Recommended citation: Wu, M.H., Lin, J.R.* (2020). An Agent-based Approach for Modeling Human-robot Collaboration in Bricklaying. 2020 Proceedings of the 37th ISARC, 797-804. Kitakyshu, Japan. doi: 10.22260/ISARC2020/0110
Published in 2020 Proceedings of the 37th ISARC, 2020
This research investigates how to integrate the bridge information and the environmental data opened by the government based on graph modeling for bridge maintenance
Recommended citation: Lin, J.R.* (2020). OpenBridgeGraph: Integrating Open Government Data for Bridge Management. 2020 Proceedings of the 37th ISARC, 1255-1262. Kitakyshu, Japan. doi: 10.22260/ISARC2020/0172
Published in IEEE Access, 2020
This paper proposed a novel text mining approach to identify key concerns and their dynamics of on-site issues based on keyword extraction and topic modeling. With the proposed method, decision-makers could extract key concerns (i.e. categories of on-site issues) and their changes with time. Therefore, a more efficient on-site inspection and data-centric decision-making process is possible.
Recommended citation: Lin, J.R.*, Hu, Z.Z., Li, J.L., Chen, L.M. (2020). Understanding On-Site Inspection of Construction Projects based on Keyword Extraction and Topic Modeling. IEEE Access, 8, 98503-198517. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3035214
Published in The 11th National Conference on Structural Design Basis and Reliability, 2020
The time-varying reliability of each pipe and the upper and lower bound of system reliability is investigated to improve maintenance strategy
Recommended citation: Zheng, Y.D., Zhang, Y., Lin, J.R. (2020). Study on the Reliability of Apartment Network System in Tsinghua University. Proceedings of the 11th National Conference on Structural Design Basis and Reliability, 107-121. Wuhan University of Technology Press. Wuhan, China.
Published in the 6th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2020
This research explores how to clean monitoring data of building performance for better data prediction
Recommended citation: Chen, W., Zhang, Y., Lin, J. (2020). Data Cleaning for Building Performance Monitoring. Proceedings of the 6th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 321-325. China Architecture&Building Press. Taiyuan, China. (in Chinese)
Published in the 6th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2020
This research explores how to use knowledge graph to represent building regulations such as fire protections codes for intelligent search, collision detection and compliance checking
Recommended citation: Lin, J.*, Liao, P. (2020). Towards Knowledge Graph for Intelligent Regulations such as Fire Protection Codes. Proceedings of the 6th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 74-78. China Architecture&Building Press. Taiyuan, China. (in Chinese)
Published in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM 2020), 2020
This research proposes an approach to generate various design candidates and load samples, run OpenSees simulation, and evaluate structural reliability automatically based on visual programming, which could save lots of model creation and simulation time, enabling exploration of large parameter space
Recommended citation: Lin, J.R.*, Xiao, J., Zhang, Y. (2020). A Framework to Automate Reliability-based Structural Optimization based on Visual Programming and OpenSees Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Construction Engineering and Project Management (ICCEPM 2020), 225-234. Hong Kong.
Published in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Innovative Production and Construction (IPC 2020), 2020
This research proposes an ontology-based approach to modeling and sharing risk management knowledge related shield tunnel construction
Recommended citation: Zhou, Y.C., Lin, J.R. (2020). "Ontology-based Risk Assessment and Solution During Shield Tunnel Construction. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Innovative Production and Construction (IPC 2020), 167-177. Hong Kong.
Published in Sensors, 2021
This paper presents a unified framework for the automatic integration of building energy consumption data from heterogeneous building management systems, and identification of anomalous energy usages
Recommended citation: Yuan, S., Hu, Z.Z., Lin, J.R., Zhang Y.Y.* (2021). A Framework for the Automatic Integration and Diagnosis of Building Energy Consumption Data. Sensors, 21(4), 1395. doi: 10.3390/s21041395
Published in Energy Reports, 2021
This research proposes a framework that links data silos and formula to automate KPI calculation process, enabling performance comparison of buildings based on data with defferent levels of details
Recommended citation: Zhang, Y.Y., Hu, Z.Z., Lin, J.R.*, Zhang J.P. (2021). Linking Data Model and Formula to Automate KPI Calculation for Building Performance Benchmarking. Energy Reports, 7, 1326-1337. doi: 10.1016/j.egyr.2021.02.044
Published in Automation in Construction, 2021
This reseach proposes an integrated framework for twinning and mining of collaborative networks, hidden patterns such as key players, frequently collaborating users, information flow patterns could be identified, thereby improving efficiency of collaboration and communication
Recommended citation: Lin, J.R.*, Wu D.P. (2021). An Approach to Twinning and Mining Collaborative Network of Construction Projects. Automation in Construction, 125, 103643. doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2021.103643
Published in Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 2021
This paper conducted a systematic review of the current status and future directions of knowledge graph in the construction industry
Recommended citation: Hu, Z.Z.*, Leng, S., Lin, J.R., Li, S.W., Xiao, Y.Q. (2021). Knowledge Extraction and Discovery Based on BIM: A Critical Review and Future Directions. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering, 29(1), 335-356. doi: 10.1007/s11831-021-09576-9
Published in Proceedings of the ASCE 2021 International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2021), 2021
This work proposes an parameterized finite element model generation and simulation method based on visual programming and OpenSees. The proposed method provides an automatic BIM-to-FEA conversion way that can efficiently generate FEA construction simulation models with various working conditions, and realizes a time-saving construction simulation framework based on BIM technology
Recommended citation: Song, S.Y., Lin, J.R.*, Zhou, Y.C., Ding, W.Q. (2021). Parameterized FEA Model Generation and Simulation of Underground Structures Based on BIM: A Case Study. Proceedings of the ASCE 2021 International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering (i3CE 2021), 408-416. Orlando, Florida, USA.
Published in Buildings, 2021
By reviewing recent progresses in ARC, we proposes a framework for the development of ARC systems, aming to achieve proactive bottom-up solutions building upon the requirements and resources of end-users.
Recommended citation: Sobhkhiz, S., Zhou, Y.C., Lin, J.R.*, El-Diraby, T.E. (2021). Framing and Evaluating the Best Practices of IFC-Based Automated Rule Checking: A Case Study. Buildings, 11(10), 456. doi: 10.3390/buildings11100456
Published in Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM 2021), 2021
Tish research proposes a method to automatically collect and formalize building codes and transform them into a knowledge graph representation for regulatory intelligence. By converting regulatory texts into XML-based documents and neo4j graphs based on NLP techniques, it is possible to search relationships and identify potential conflicts between different codes, even design compliance review could be improved with the generated building code graph
Recommended citation: Zhou, Y.C., Lin, J.R.*, She, Z.T. (2021). Automatic Construction of Building Code Graph for Regulation Intelligence. Proceedings of the 2021 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM 2021), 248-254. Beijing, China.
Published in IEEE Access, 2021
This paper provides a feasible way to integrate planning and design data from different sources to enhance the evaluation and delivery of the results. Validation shows that the proposed method could integrate and visualize multi-source site planning and building design data efficiently, and a seamless database facilitates understanding of planning and design results and improves communication significantly.
Recommended citation: Leng, S., Lin, J.R., Li, S.W., Hu, Z.Z.* (2021). A Data Integration and Simplification Framework for Improving Site Planning and Building Design. IEEE Access, 9, 148845-148861. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3124010
Published in IEEE Access, 2021
This research proposes a computer vision-based method to automatically detect indoor fire loads using deep learning-based instance segmentation; an image dataset of indoor scenes with various fire load instances annotated is also developed. Although instance segmentation has been applied for several years, this is a pioneering research on using it for automated indoor fire load recognition, which paves the foundation to automatic fire load estimation and resilience assessment for the built environment.
Recommended citation: Zhou, Y.C., Hu, Z.Z., Yan, K.X., Lin, J.R.* (2021). Deep Learning-based Instance Segmentation for Indoor Fire Load Recognition. IEEE Access, 9, 148771-148782. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3124831
Published in 2021 Proceedings of the 38th ISARC, 2021
This paper proposed a data cleaning method combing threshold and cluster method, an index to evaluate the accuracy improvement on big data prediction was also introduced.
Recommended citation: Zhang, Y.Y, Hu, Z.Z., Lin, J.R., Zhang, J.P.(2021). Data Cleaning for Prediction and its Evaluation of Building Energy Consumption. 2021 Proceedings of the 38th ISARC, 427-434. Dubai, UAE. doi: 10.22260/ISARC2021/0059
Published in Journal of Graphics, 2021
This paper systematically reviews state-of-the-art research on intelligent performance evaluation of construction supervisors, and potential future challenges and directions are also presented
Recommended citation: Zheng, W., Lin, J.R.*, Yang, C., Yan, K.X., Cheng, Y. (2021). Review on Intelligent Performance Evaluation of Construction Supervisors. Journal of Graphics, 42(6), 1002-1010. doi: 10.11996/JG.j.2095-302X.2021061002
Published in the 7th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2021
In this work, we developed a few semantic labels and regulatory datasets for automatic compliance checking, with which deep learning-based named entity recognition algorithm based on deep learning is introduced for rule interpretation
Recommended citation: Zhou, Y.C., Zheng, Z., Lin, J.R.*, Yang, Z.Y., Lu, X.Z. (2021). Named Entity Recognition for Automatic Compliance Checking. the 7th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 469-473. China Architecture&Building Press. Chongqing, China.
Published in the 7th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2021
This research proposes a framework for the management of building energy consumption data, and summarizes required key techniques when developing corresponding platform
Recommended citation: Zhang, Y.Y.*, Hu, Z.Z., Lin, J.R., Zhang, J.P. (2021). Data Management Framework for Building Energy Consumption. the 7th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 536-540. China Architecture&Building Press. Chongqing, China.
Published in the 7th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2021
This work proposes a performance-based compliance checking method based on knowledge graph, which could infer and generate potential simulation scenarios for automatic checking of performance metrics
Recommended citation: Zheng, Z., Zhou, Y.C., Lin, J.R.*, Huang, K.J., Lu, X.Z. (2021). Performanced-based Compliance Checking of Fire Protection Design based on Knowledge Graph. the 7th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 474-478. China Architecture&Building Press. Chongqing, China.
Published in the 7th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2021
This research reviews corresponding enabling information technologies for intelligent supervision, and divided them into different categories according to different tasks involved in construction project supervision
Recommended citation: Lin, C., Cheng, Y., Hu, Z.Z.*, Zhou, H., Lin, J.R., Wang, G.R. (2021). Review on Enabling Information Technology for Intelligent Supervision. the 7th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 484-488. China Architecture&Building Press. Chongqing, China.
Published in Automation in Construction, 2022
We proposed a rule-based approach for automatic construction of semantic web or knowledge graph related to the MEP domain, both snowball strategy for large-scale corpora collection and methods for named entity recognition and relationship extraction are introduced. The proposed method outperforms existing methods with 40% improvement.
Recommended citation: Wu, L.T, Lin, J.R., Leng, S., Li, J.L., Hu, Z.Z. (2022). Rule-based Information Extraction for Mechanical-Electrical-Plumbing-Specific Semantic Web. Automation in Construction, 135, 104108. doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2021.104108
Published in Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2022
Taken robot-based bricklaying as an example, this research proposes an agent-based multi-fidelity modeling and simulation approach to understand human-robot collaboration (HRC) in construction and its impacts on productivity. The proposed approach is feasible to simulate simulate various scenarios with different workers and robots. Experiments also show that the HRC is complex and proactive interaction could improve construction productivity significantly
Recommended citation: Wu, M.H., Lin, J.R.*, Zhang, X.H. (2022). How Human-robot Collaboration Impacts Construction Productivity: An Agent-based Multi-fidelity Modeling Approach. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 52, 101589. doi: 10.1016/j.aei.2022.101589
Published in Advances in Civil Engineering, 2022
In this paper, we propose a novel method for investigation of complex building collapse accidents based on digital twin technology.
Recommended citation: Zheng, Z., Liao, W., Lin, J., Zhou, Y., Zhang, C., Lu, X.* (2022). Digital Twin-Based Investigation of a Building Collapse Accident. Advances in Civil Engineering, 2022, 9568967. doi: 10.1155/2022/9568967
Published in ICRA Workshop 2022, 2022
This pioneer research introduces an agent-based modeling approach to investigate the coupling effect and scale effect of HRC in the bricklaying process, and can be taken as a stepstone for developing and evaluating new robots, optimizing HRC processes, and even training future industrial workers in the construction industry.
Recommended citation: Lin, J.R.*, Wu, M. (2022). Exploiting the Power of Human-Robot Collaboration: Coupling and Scale Effects in Bricklaying. ICRA Workshop 2022, May 23, 2022, Philadelphia, United States. doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15951.15522
Published in Computers in Industry, 2022
This research develops the first domain corpora and proposes the first domain-specific pretrained language model for AEC, experiments showed that the proposed model outperforms existing methods in all typical NLP tasks, with maximum improvements of 8.1% in the F1-score.
Recommended citation: Zheng, Z., Lu, X.Z., Chen, K.Y., Zhou, Y.C., Lin, J.R.* (2022). Pretrained Domain-Specific Language Model for Natural Language Processing Tasks in the AEC Domain. Computers in Industry, 142, 103733. doi: 10.1016/j.compind.2022.103733
Published in Journal of Graphics, 2022
this study constructed a text classification model based on pretrained BERT model, which outperforms the traditional Naive Bayesian classification model and the common fine-tuning model, with the recognition rate up to 85%
Recommended citation: Lin, J.R.*, Cheng, Z.G., Han, Y., Yin, Y.P. (2022). Disaster Tweets Classification Method based on Pretrained BERT Model. Journal of Graphics, 43(3), 530-536. doi: 10.11996/JG.j.2095-302X.2022030530
Published in Architecture Technology, 2022
This paper discusses the future trends and driven factors of intelligent construction
Recommended citation: Zhang, J.P.*, Lin, J.R., Hu, Z.Z., Wang, H.W. (2022). Intelligent Construction Driven by Digitalization. Architecture Technology, 53(11), 1566-1571. doi: unavailable
Published in Computers in Industry, 2022
This research integrates natural language processing (NLP) and context-free grammar (CFG) to propose a novel generalized rule interpretation approach, which outperforms the state-of-the-art methods and achieves 99.6% and 91.0% accuracies for parsing single- and multi-requirement sentences. This research also publishes the first regulation dataset for future exploration, validation, and benchmarking in the ARC area
Recommended citation: Zhou, Y.C., Zheng, Z., Lin, J.R.*, Lu, X.Z. (2022). Integrating NLP and Context-Free Grammar for Complex Rule Interpretation towards Automated Compliance Checking. Computers in Industry, 142, 103746. doi: 10.1016/j.compind.2022.103746
Published in Automation in Construction, 2022
We developed and opened a new large-scale image dataset called Site Object Detection dAtaset (SODA) for construction, which contains 15 object classes and more than 20,000 images. Analysis shows that the dataset is well developed in terms of diversity and volume and improves the performance of YOLO to a maximum mAP of 81.47%
Recommended citation: Duan, R., Deng, H., Tian, M., Deng, Y.C., Lin, J.R. (2022). SODA: A Large-scale Open Site Object Detection Dataset for Deep Learning in Construction. Automation in Construction, 142, 104499. doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2022.104499
Published in Automation in Construction, 2022
We proposed a knowledge-informed approach to bridge the semantic gaps between regulatory documents and design models for automated compliance checking, enabling interpretation and reasoning of complex rules with implicit properties and high-order logic descriptions. The proposed approach achieves a 90.1% accuracy and substantially outperforms the commonly used keyword matching method, and boosts the performance of rule interpretation by 5 times
Recommended citation: Zheng, Z., Zhou, Y.C., Lu, X.Z., Lin, J.R.* (2022). Knowledge-Informed Semantic Alignment and Rule Interpretation for Automated Compliance Checking. Automation in Construction, 142, 104524. doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2022.104524
Published in Automation in Construction, 2022
In this research, we conducted a comprehensive review of the development of knowledge management in the construction industry as information and communication technology evolves in the past fifteen years, and potential directions and challenges both from the research and practice perspectives are discussed
Recommended citation: Deng, H., Xu, Y.W., Deng, Y.C., Lin, J.R. (2022). Transforming Knowledge Management in the Construction Industry through Information and Communications Technology: A 15-year Review. Automation in Construction, 142, 104530. doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2022.104530
Published in the 8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management(ISRERM 2022), 2022
This study proposes a new method for system reliability by incorporating survival signature theory
Recommended citation: Zheng, Y., Zhang, Y., Lin, J. (2022). A New Method on System Reliability Analysis based on Survival Signature Theory. the 8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management(ISRERM 2022), 475-482.
Published in Buildings, 2022
This research proposes an framework to assess the maturity of intelligent construction management, and suggestions for future improvements are provided based on the quatitative assessment
Recommended citation: Lin, C., Hu, Z.Z., Yang, C., Deng, Y.C., Zheng, W., Lin, J.R.* (2022). Maturity Assessment of Intelligent Construction Management. Buildings, 12(10), 1742. doi: 10.3390/buildings12101742
Published in 19th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE 2022), 2022
This research analyzes the patents related to automated rule checking based on text mining and social network analysis, differences between patents in China and other countries are also discussed.
Recommended citation: Zheng, Z., Kang, B.R., Yuan, Q.T., Zhou, Y.C., Lu, X.Z., Lin, J.R.* (2022). Text Mining-Based Patent Analysis for Automated Rule Checking in AEC. 19th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCCBE 2022), 11-25. Cape Town, South Africa.
Published in 31st National Conference on Structural Engineering, 2022
This research proposes an approach for reliability assessment of buildings and infrastructures by integrating BIM and reliability theory
Recommended citation: Zheng, Y., Zhang, Y.*, Lin, J. (2022). BIM–based Reliability Assessment for Design and Maintenance of Buildings and Infrastructures. Proceedings of the 31st National Conference on Structural Engineering (No.1), 480-486. Press of Engineering Mechanics. Naning, China.
Published in 22nd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR2022), 2022
This paper proposes an approach to estimate the impact of earthquakes through text mining and social media analytics
Recommended citation: Zheng, Z., Shi, H.Z., Zhou, Y.C., Lu, X.Z., Lin, J.R.* (2022). Earthquake Impact Analysis Based on Text Mining and Social Media Analytics. 22nd International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR2022), 1116-1124. Seoul, South Korea.
Published in the 8th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2022
This research proposes an agent-based evacuation simulation method for subways considering the impacts of floods, factors have significant impacts on evacuation are indentified
Recommended citation: Chen, K.Y., Zheng, Z., Lin, J.R.*, Zhou, Y.C. (2022). BIM-based Evacuation Simulation for Subway Considering Impacts of Floods. the 8th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 122-127. China Architecture&Building Press. Shenzhen, China.
Published in the 8th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2022
This research proposed an approach to intelligent decision support based on knowledge graph for constrution safety
Recommended citation: An, P., Hu, Z.Z.*, Lin, J.R., Wu, Z., Yu, Y.T. (2022). Intelligent Decision Support for Construction Safety based on Knowledge Graph. the 8th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 15-20. China Architecture&Building Press. Shenzhen, China.
Published in the 8th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2022
This research proposed an approach to fast assess potential building damages induced by wind disasters based on knowledge graph
Recommended citation: Min, Y.T., Leng, S., Hu, Z.Z.*, Lin, J.R., Yu, Y.T. (2022). Knowledge-Driven Assessment of Wind Disaster for Buildings. the 8th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 21-26. China Architecture&Building Press. Shenzhen, China.
Published in the 8th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2022
This research proposes an approach to sensing design behaviors in BIM environment, which could be used to extract potential design patterns and how they impact productivity
Recommended citation: Ni, X.R., Zheng, Z., Lin, J.R.*, Zhou, Y.C. (2022). Sensing Design Behaviors in BIM Environment. the 8th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 157-161. China Architecture&Building Press. Shenzhen, China.
Published in International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management 2022, 2022
This research reviews both chinese and english articles on intelligent construction via bibliometric analysis, to reveal the advances in this area
Recommended citation: Yan, J.K., Zheng, Z., Zhou, Y.C., Lin, J.R.*, Deng, Y.C. (2022). A Review on Current Advances of Intelligent Construction Based on Bibliometric Analysis. International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management 2022, 340-355. ASCE.
Published in Journal of Information Technology in Civil Engineering and Architecture, 2022
By studying the current BIM standards and specifications in China, the security requirements of software and platform and user usage protocols, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the BIM and GDPR data processing principles respectively to study their suitability.
Recommended citation: Deng, H., Xu, Y., Li, X., Deng, Y., Lin, J. (2022). Research on Data Security of Engineering Information Sharing Mechanism based on GDPR Principle. Journal of Information Technology in Civil Engineering and Architecture, 14(06), 69-74. doi: 10.16670/j.cnki.cn11-5823/tu.2022.06.12
Published in Automation in Construction, 2023
This paper introducess a model and method to adaptive control the resource flows to optimize the work and cash flows of construction projects, which could save 7% total with impact on duration
Recommended citation: Jiang, C., Li, X., Lin, J.R.*, Liu, M., Ma, Z. (2023). Adaptive Control of Resource Flow to Optimize Construction Work and Cash Flow via Online Deep Reinforcement Learning. Automation in Construction, 150, 104817. doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2023.104817
Published in Buildings, 2023
This editorial summarized the papers published in the special issue of Buildings
Recommended citation: Guo, H., Lin, J.R., Yu, Y. (2023). Intelligent and Computer Technologies' Application in Construction. Buildings, 13(3), 641. doi: 10.3390/buildings13030641
Published in Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2023
In this research, two methods based on the fundamental survival signature idea are suggested to examine the reliability of complex systems with independent but not necessarily identically distributed (INID) components
Recommended citation: Zheng, Y., Zhang, Y., Lin, J. (2023). System Reliability Analysis for Independent and Nonidentical Components based on Survival Signature. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 73, 103466. doi: 10.1016/j.probengmech.2023.103466
Published in Buildings, 2023
This study proposes an approach to data-driven quantitative performance evaluation of construction supervisors by integrating AHP and activity tracking
Recommended citation: Yang, C., Lin, J.R.*, Yan, K.X., Deng, Y.C., Hu, Z.Z., Liu, C. (2023). Data-Driven Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Construction Supervisors. Buildings, 13(5), 1264. doi: 10.3390/buildings13051264
Published in Buildings, 2023
This study conducted a bibliometric and comparative review to provide a comprehensive understanding of research progress and future opportunities in intelligent construction, and to offer suggestions for both developing and developed countries
Recommended citation: Yan, J.K., Zheng, Z., Zhou, Y.C., Lin, J.R.*, Deng, Y.C., Lu, X.Z. (2023). Recent Research Progress in Intelligent Construction: A Comparison between China and Developed Countries. Buildings, 13(5), 1329. doi: 10.3390/buildings13051329
Published in Journal of Building Engineering, 2023
This study proposes a novel reliability calculation framework based on BIM, which could visulize and optimize reliability of buildings and infrastructures
Recommended citation: Zheng, Y., Zhang, Y., Lin, J. (2023). BIM–based Time-varying System Reliability Analysis for Buildings and Infrastructures. Journal of Building Engineering, 76, 106958. doi: 10.1016/j.jobe.2023.106958
Published in 2023 Creative Construction Conference (CCC2023), 2023
This study proposes an approach to track and replay the BIM-based design process, which could be used to review the design process, understand design behaviors, and identify potential pitfalls to improve the design process.
Recommended citation: Ni, X.R., Zheng, Z., Lin, J.R.*, Hu, Z.Z., Zhang, X. (2023). Designtracking: Track and Replay BIM-Based Design Process. 2023 Creative Construction Conference (CCC2023), 42-47. Keszthely, Lake Balaton, Hungary.
Published in 30th International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE 2023), 2023
This study proposes an approach to automatic design of building pipeline layout based on deep reinforcement learning, and illustrates the potential benefits of DRL for design of complex pipeline systems.
Recommended citation: Yang, C., Zheng, Z., Lin, J.R.* (2023). Automatic Design Method of Building Pipeline Layout Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning. 30th International Conference on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE 2023), 42-51. London, UK.
Published in Engineering Mechanics, 2023
This research provides a comprehensive review of intelligent design review, showing that current researches are mainly focusing on the computability of drawings (or designs solutions) and computability & reasoning of regulations (or knowledge), while the application can be classified into three aspects, namely, digitization, perceptual intelligence and cognitive intelligence.
Recommended citation: Lin, J.R.*, Zhou, Y.C., Zheng, Z., Lu, X.Z. (2023). Research and Application of Intelligent Design Review. Engineering Mechanics, 40(7), 25-38. doi: 10.6052/j.issn.1000-4750.2021.11.0908
Published in Building and Environment, 2023
To achieve realtim sunlight, this study proposes a one-stage sunlight prediction approach based on multilayer perceptron, which reduces the computation time to 1/84~1/50 with 96+% accuracy
Recommended citation: Jiang, C., Liang, X., Zhou, Y.C., Tian, Y., Xu, S, Lin, J.R.*, Ma, Z., Yang S., Zhou, H. (2023). A Multilayer Perceptron-based Fast Sunlight Assessment for the Conceptual Design of Residential Neighborhoods under Chinese Policy. Building and Environment, 244, 110739. doi: 10.1016/j.buildenv.2023.110739
Published in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023
This study proposes a text classification approach based on a pretrained large language model, to identify computer-processible clauses and to evaluate the machine interpretability of building codes. Result show that the proposed algorithm outperforms SOTA methods with an F1-score of 93.6%, and could further improve downstream rule interpretation algorithm by 4%. It is also revealed that the overall interpretability of building codes is only 34.4%.
Recommended citation: Zheng, Z., Zhou, Y.C., Chen, K.Y., Lu, X.Z., She, Z.T., Lin, J.R.* (2024). A Text Classification-based Approach for Evaluating and Enhancing the Machine Interpretability of Building Codes. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 127, 107207. doi: 10.1016/j.engappai.2023.107207
Published in the 9th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2023
This study proposes a digital twin driven approach to construction progress monitoring by integration of BIM and 3D reconstruction
Recommended citation: Zhou, S.J., Pan, P., Gu, D.L., Lin, J.R.* (2023). Digital Twin based Construction Progress Tracking by Integrating BIM and 3D Reconstruction. the 9th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 453-457. China Architecture&Building Press. Xian, China.
Published in Journal of Graphics, 2024
This study proposes a new interaction paradigm for architectural design based on language models, which could generate API scripts directly from natural language-based input for various scenarios such as design generation, sunlight analysis.
Recommended citation: Jiang, C., Zheng, Z., Liang, X., Lin, J.R.*, Ma, Z., Lu, X.Z. (2024). A New Interaction Paradigm for Architectural Design Driven by Large Language Model: Proof of Concept with Rhino7. Journal of Graphics, 45(03), 594-600. doi:10.11996/JG.j.2095-302X.2024030594
Published in Engineering Mechanics, 2024
To interprete and represent complex rules from building codes, this study proposes an approach to extract and represent automic functions, which could be used to represent commonly used computational logics in multiple regulatory clauses. Results show that the defined atomic functions could significantly enhance the capability for the representation and interpretation of complex rules.
Recommended citation: Lu, J.Z., Cao, X.Y., Zheng, Z., Lu, X.Z., Lin, J.R.* (2024). Automatic Function Extraction and Analysis for Interpreting Complex Rules from Building Codes. Engineering Mechanics, xx(x), xx-xx. doi: 10.6052/j.issn.1000-4750.2023.11.0850 (online first)
Published in International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2024
This study proposes the first domain-specific LLM model and an integrated method for rapid earthquake impact assessment, which can effectively enhance the impact assessment process by accurate detection of noisy microblogs, therefore enabling effective post-disaster emergency responses.
Recommended citation: Han, J., Zheng, Z., Lu, X.Z., Chen, K.Y., Lin, J.R.* (2024). Enhanced Earthquake Impact Analysis based on Social Media Texts via Large Language Model. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 109, 104574. doi: 10.1016/j.ijdrr.2024.104574
Published in Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology), 2024
This study proses an intelligent approach to automatically generate design model and drawing of subgrade retaining in the road engineering area.
Recommended citation: Tang, H.W., Geng, X.Y., Chen, H.T., Tan, H.C., Zeng, F.Y., Lin, J.R.* (2024). Intelligent Design Method of Subgrade Retaining based on Bentley. Journal of Tsinghua University (Science & Technology), 64(9), 1627-1636. doi: 10.16511/j.cnki.qhdxxb.2024.26.039
Published in the 10th International Conference on Innovative Production and Construction (IPC 2024), 2024
This paper briefly introduces the BIM data intelligent extraction and visualization method proposed by the authors, which can automatically understand user text or voice input via LLM, achieving automatic BIM data extraction and acquisition of construction status.
Recommended citation: Lin, J.R.*, Chen, K.Y., Pang, P., Wu, D.P., Zhang, J.P. (2024). ChatBIM: Interactive Data Retrieval and Visualization from BIM. the 10th International Conference on Innovative Production and Construction (IPC 2024), 265-266. Perth, Australia.
Published in International Journal of Crowd Science, 2024
This study proposes an digital selves based framework for intelligent construction
Recommended citation: Liu, X., Sun, H.*, Lin, J.R. (2024). Digital Selves Based Intelligent Construction Framework. International Journal of Crowd Science, 8(4), 184-194. doi: 10.26599/ijcs.2023.9100036
Published in the 10th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2024
This study develops the rule checking database of fire safety standard based on Revit Model Checker, and verifies the database in a typical project to show its pros and cons
Recommended citation: Cao, X.Y., Lu, J.Z., Lin, J.R.* (2024). Development and Verification of Rule Checking Database based on Revit Model Checker. the 10th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 239-243. China Architecture&Building Press. Hangzhou, China.
Published in the 10th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 2024
This study investigates the performance, accuracy, recall of different algorithms for defect detection of concrete structures, and results show that YOLOv9 performs the best among the considered four methods
Recommended citation: Guo, J.X., Pan, P., Lin, J.R.* (2024). Evaluation and Comparison of Defect Detection Alogrithms for Concrete Structures. the 10th National Conference on Building Information Modeling, 480-484. China Architecture&Building Press. Hangzhou, China.
Published in Engineering Mechanics, 2025
This study introduces an integrated solution for interpreting building standards into computer-processible rules by domain-specific large language models and common knowledge graphs, which could interprete rules with an accuracy of over 95%, and improve checking efficiency by 40 times.
Recommended citation: Lin, J.R.*, Chen, K.Y., Zheng, Z., Zhou, Y.C., Lu, X.Z. (2025). Key Technologies and Applications of Intelligent Interpretation of Building Engineering Standards. Engineering Mechanics, 42(2), 1-14. doi: 10.6052/j.issn.1000-4750.2024.08.ST05
Published in Automation in Construction, 2025
This paper unveils the performance-improving mechanism of synthetic point clouds (SPC) by introducing: 1) method to generate SPC with real colors and uniform colors from BIM, and 2) enhanced benchmarks for better performance evaluation.
Recommended citation: Zhou, S., Lin, J.R.*, Pan, P., Pan, Y., Brilakis, I. (2025). Impact of Color and Mixing Proportion of Synthetic Point Clouds on Semantic Segmentation. Automation in Construction, 171, 105963. doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2025.105963
Published in Automation in Construction, 2025
This paper proposes the first approach that identifies and quantitatively describes the relationship between design behaviors and design quality based on Building Information Modeling (BIM). Results confirm an existing quantifiable relationship which can be learned by various models, and behavioral features related to designer’s skill level and changes of design intentions are identified as having significant impacts on design quality.
Recommended citation: Ni, X.R., Pan, P., Lin, J.R.* (2025). What Makes a Good BIM Design? Quantifying the Link between Design Behavior and Quality. Automation in Construction, 171, 105992. doi: 10.1016/j.autcon.2025.105992
Published in Buildings, 2025
This study proposes a DT modeling framework, in which parametric modeling driven excavation process, inverse analysis for elastic modulus updating, and intelligent system are included. The proposed method advances timely monitoring and safety control of deep foundation pit with high accuracy
Recommended citation: Pan, P., Sun, S.H., Feng, J.X., Wen, J.T.*, Lin, J.R., Wang, H.S. (2025). Intelligent Monitoring System for Deep Foundation Pit Based on Digital Twin. Buildings, 15(3), 366. doi: 10.3390/buildings15030366
Published in Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), 2025
This paper systematically reviewed the current status of digital standards for building and construction engineering. By proposing the grading model for standard digitalization and a technical framework for related technologies, this study laid a foundation for future research and applications of digital and machine interpretable standards
Recommended citation: Lin, J.R., Chen, K.Y., Pang, P.* (2025). Digital and Intelligent Standards for Building and Construction Engineering: Current Status and Future. Journal of Southeast University (Natural Science Edition), 55(1), 16-29. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-0505.2025.01.003
Undergraduate course, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2012
Undergraduate course, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2013
Undergraduate course, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2017
Graduate course, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2017
Undergraduate course, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2018
Undergraduate course, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2019
Undergraduate course, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2019
Foundmentals of BIM, including basic concepts, parametric modeling, collaboration, BIM for design/construction/maintenance, Dynamo, etc.
Undergraduate course, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2020
Graduate course, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2020
Theory and practice of BIM, including basic concepts, parametric modeling, collaboration, BIM for design/construction/maintenance, etc.
Undergraduate course, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2020
Foundmentals of BIM, including basic concepts, parametric modeling, collaboration, BIM for design/construction/maintenance, Dynamo, etc.
Undergraduate course, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2020
This is a new course designed for undergraduates of School of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University.
Undergraduate course, Department of Civil Engineering, Tsinghua University, 2021