3D reconstruction
- 2012.8-2014.12:英特宜家购物中心大兴项目二期工程BIM应用系统
- 2014.8-2015.12:白沙沱长江特大桥工程施工BIM应用系统
- 2014.8-2017.6:轨道交通BIM管理平台研究与开发
- 2015.1-2016.12:基于BIM的济南黄河公铁两用桥工程施工安全监测与4D动态管理系统
- 2015.1-2016.12:腾讯北京总部大楼工程施工BIM应用系统
- 2016.9-2017.12:昆明长水机场航站楼物业数字化管理信息平台研究
- 2019.6-2020.6:基于BIM和大数据库的国家速滑馆全生命期管控技术与平台
4D model
- Visualization and Automatic Verification of a Schedule-Driven 4D Model
- Operation-level 4D Modeling and Visualization for Modular Building based on Standard Activity Library
4D visualization
AEC industry
- Visualization of Indoor Thermal Environment on Mobile Devices based on Augmented Reality and Computational Fluid Dynamics
- A Bibliometric Review of Visual Computing in Construction Industry
- 连接虚拟与现实世界,提升建筑工程决策过程
- 面向移动终端的CFD仿真增强现实可视化方法
- 面向计算流体力学仿真(CFD)数据可视化的AR工具及代码
- 智能审图成果获buildingSMART openBIM国际大奖赛专业研究类冠军
- Framing and Evaluating the Best Practices of IFC-Based Automated Rule Checking: A Case Study
- Text Mining-Based Patent Analysis for Automated Rule Checking in AEC
- A Text Classification-based Approach for Evaluating and Enhancing the Machine Interpretability of Building Codes
- 支持复杂规范条文解译的基元函数提取与分析
- 基于Revit Model Checker的BIM审查规则库构建与案例测试
- Pretrained Domain-Specific Language Model for Natural Language Processing Tasks in the AEC Domain
- 基于 BERT 预训练模型的灾害推文分类方法
- Enhanced Earthquake Impact Analysis based on Social Media Texts via Large Language Model
- 智能审图成果获buildingSMART openBIM国际大奖赛专业研究类冠军
- 工程建造智能信息技术应用专刊第二期征稿
- 清华大学参编的北京市《岩土工程信息模型设计标准》正式发布
- 工程建造智能信息技术应用专刊征稿
- 课题组成果荣获2021年上海市土木工程学会科技进步二等奖
- 清华大学参编的能源行业标准《水电工程信息模型设计交付规范》正式发布
- 清华大学参编的能源行业标准《水电工程信息模型数据描述规范》正式发布
- 清华大学作为主编单位的《贵州省建筑信息模型技术应用标准》正式发布
- “后疫情时代的建筑业数字变革”青年论坛成功在山西太原举办
- 我们的论文被评为2017-2018年度《图学学报》优秀论文
- BIM 在工程施工中的应用
- 基于 BIM 的住宅项目策划系统研究与开发
- 基于 BIM 的住宅项目策划系统研究与开发
- 面向 Web 的 BIM 三维浏览与信息管理
- 北京英特宜家购物中心工程BIM集成应用实践
- 基于 4D-BIM 与过程模拟的施工进度—资源均衡
- 基于 4D-BIM 的施工进度-资源均衡模型自动构建与应用
- 基于 BIM 和日照分析的住宅策划方案楼栋布局优化技术研究
- BIM 技术在石济黄河桥施工安全管理中的应用
- 基于BIM的施工资源配置仿真模型自动生成及应用
- 基于IFC的绿色性能分析数据转换与共享
- BIM Application in Owner and EPC Contractor Collaborative Management of a Large-Scale Public Building Project
- 基于 BIM 与物联网的钢构桥梁跨平台物料管理方法研究
- 企业 BIM 平台架构研究与设计
- 基于 BIM 的水电工程全生命期管理平台架构研究
- A Hybrid Data Mining Approach on BIM-based Building Operation and Maintenance
- 基于 BIM 的火灾仿真模拟研究
- 基于云计算的 BIM 集成管理机制研究
- 基于云技术的建筑工程全生命期BIM集成管理应用
- 基于 BIM 的建筑空间与设备拓扑信息提取及应用
- 我国 BIM 政策发展现状综述及其文本分析
- BIM 与云、大数据、物联网等技术的集成应用现状与未来
- 面向建筑运维的 BIM 模型功能空间识别
- Classification and Exemplary BIM Models Development of Design Changes
- 装配式建筑建造全过程信息化管理
- A Review on 3D Spatial Data Analytics for Building Information Models
- Workpackage-based Information Modeling for Resource-Constrained Scheduling of Construction Projects
- 考虑生产效率与工艺的资源受限项目调度问题
- 基于BIM的合规性自动审查
- Building Information Modeling–based Cyber-Physical Platform for Building Performance Monitoring
- Semantic Classification and Hash Code Accelerated Detection of Design Changes in BIM Models
- A Bibliometric Review of Visual Computing in Construction Industry
- 基于搜索大数据的 BIM 发展现状与趋势分析
- Knowledge Extraction and Discovery Based on BIM: A Critical Review and Future Directions
- Parameterized FEA Model Generation and Simulation of Underground Structures Based on BIM: A Case Study
- Framing and Evaluating the Best Practices of IFC-Based Automated Rule Checking: A Case Study
- A Data Integration and Simplification Framework for Improving Site Planning and Building Design
- Digital Twin-Based Investigation of a Building Collapse Accident
- 数字化驱动智能建造
- Integrating NLP and Context-Free Grammar for Complex Rule Interpretation towards Automated Compliance Checking
- 基于 BIM 的建筑基础设施可靠性评估
- 建筑工程信息共享机制与GDPR原则的适配性对比研究
- BIM–based Time-varying System Reliability Analysis for Buildings and Infrastructures
- Designtracking: Track and Replay BIM-Based Design Process
- Automatic Design Method of Building Pipeline Layout Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
- 自动审图及智能审图研究与应用综述
- 基于Bentley的路基支挡智能化设计方法
- ChatBIM: Interactive Data Retrieval and Visualization from BIM
- 连接虚拟与现实世界,提升建筑工程决策过程
- 设计变更分类及BIM示例模型开发
- ISARC设计变更分类及BIM示例模型开发
- 装配式建筑BIM技术与平台发展
- 建设工程智能BIM平台未来发展
- BIM政策标准、实践与发展趋势
- 基于数字孪生的智能决策支持方法
- 中国自动合规性审查(自动/智能审图)发展现状
- 基于自然语言处理的审图规则智能抽取
- 2018年秋 建筑信息模型技术基础 教师
- 2019年秋 建筑信息模型技术基础 负责教师
- 2020年夏 建筑信息模型理论与应用 负责教师
- 2020年秋 建筑信息模型技术基础 负责教师
- 2012.8-2014.12:英特宜家购物中心大兴项目二期工程BIM应用系统
- 2013.1-2016.12:基于云计算的建筑全生命期BIM集成与应用关键技术研究
- 2013.10-2016.10:基于全生命期绿色住宅产品化数字开发技术研究和应用
- 2014.8-2015.12:白沙沱长江特大桥工程施工BIM应用系统
- 2014.8-2017.6:轨道交通BIM管理平台研究与开发
- 2015.1-2018.12:基于BIM的大型公共建筑运维期安全管理技术研究
- 2015.1-2015.12:基于物联网的水电工程全生命期管理理论与系统架构研究
- 2015.1-2016.12:基于BIM的济南黄河公铁两用桥工程施工安全监测与4D动态管理系统
- 2015.1-2016.12:腾讯北京总部大楼工程施工BIM应用系统
- 2015.6-2017.12:大型建筑工程智慧建造与运维关键技术研究与应用示范
- 2016.7-2019.6:基于BIM/GIS与物联网的地下管廊运行仿真、监测与集成管控
- 2016.9-2018.3:基于BIM和物联网的城市综合管廊运行监测与集成分析
- 2016.9-2017.12:昆明长水机场航站楼物业数字化管理信息平台研究
- 2017.7-2020.7:建筑及其机电系统标准化大数据的云端动态服务技术
- 2017.10-2019.12:面向建筑运维的BIM空间数据挖掘技术
- 2018.1-2021.12:信息驱动下既有建筑物/群多尺度性能模拟与分析技术研究
- 2018.12-2022.12:基于 BIM 的乡村住宅标准图集构建与查询技术
- 2019.1-2020.12:基于本体和 BIM 的消防设计自动审查方法
- 2019.1-2020.12:算法驱动的自适应交互式建筑能耗治理
- 2019.1-2020.1:水利水电工程信息模型存储标准编制
- 2019.6-2020.6:基于BIM和大数据库的国家速滑馆全生命期管控技术与平台
- 2019.10-2020.12:设计BIM模型自动审查方法研究
- 2020.1-2022.12:融合知识推理与性能仿真的性能消防设计审查方法
- 2024.1-2027.12:数据与知识融合驱动的复杂机电管线时空冲突辨识机理及优化方法
- 2012年春 工程计算机制图 助教
- 2013年春 工程计算机制图 助教
- 2017年春 工程计算机制图 教师
- 2019年春 工程计算机制图 教师
- 2020年春 工程计算机制图 教师
- 2021年春 工程计算机制图 教师
- Visualization of Indoor Thermal Environment on Mobile Devices based on Augmented Reality and Computational Fluid Dynamics
- 面向移动终端的CFD仿真增强现实可视化方法
- 面向计算流体力学仿真(CFD)数据可视化的AR工具及代码
- BIM Oriented Intelligent Data Mining and Representation
- BIM-Based Plan Modeling System at Preliminary Stage for Residential Real Estate Projects
- Leveraging BIM in Settlement Monitoring and Impact Management for Subway Excavation
- BIM Application in Owner and EPC Contractor Collaborative Management of a Large-Scale Public Building Project
- A BIM-based Safety Monitoring and Analysis System for a High-speed Railway Bridge
- Operation-level 4D Modeling and Visualization for Modular Building based on Standard Activity Library
- Ontology-Based Semantic Retrieval Method of Energy Consumption Management
- Automatic MEP Knowledge Acquisition Based on Documents and Natural Language Processing
- 面向全生命期管理的水电工程信息分类编码研究
- 面向我国绿色建筑评价的 IFC 适用性分析
- BIM 与云、大数据、物联网等技术的集成应用现状与未来
- 工程监理人员绩效智能评价方法研究综述
- 基于 BERT 预训练模型的灾害推文分类方法
- 大语言模型驱动的交互式建筑设计新范式——基于Rhino7的概念验证
- BIM-Based Plan Modeling System at Preliminary Stage for Residential Real Estate Projects
- 基于IFC的绿色性能分析数据转换与共享
- 基于 BIM 的建筑空间与设备拓扑信息提取及应用
- 考虑生产效率与工艺的资源受限项目调度问题
- 基于BIM的合规性自动审查
- 支持复杂规范条文解译的基元函数提取与分析
- 基于Bentley的路基支挡智能化设计方法
- Digital Selves Based Intelligent Construction Framework
- 建筑工程标准规范智能解译关键技术及应用
- Research on IDM-based BIM Process Information Exchange Technology
- BIM-Based Plan Modeling System at Preliminary Stage for Residential Real Estate Projects
- Towards BIM-based Model Integration and Safety Analysis for Bridge Construction
- A Relativity Evaluation Approach to Unstructured Document Integration and Retrieval for Building Information Modeling
- A Topological and Hierarchical Information Integration Approach for Standard-unit-based Residential Planning
- Monitoring Framework for Utility Tunnels based on BIM and IoT Technology
- Application Framework for On-Site Safety and Quality Inspection based on WeChat
- How Information Technology Can Improve Construction Management for General Contractor: A Case Study
- 装配式建筑建造全过程信息化管理
- 工程监理人员绩效智能评价方法研究综述
- 智慧监理信息化使能技术调研与分类
- BIM Oriented Intelligent Data Mining and Representation
- A Natural‐Language‐Based Approach to Intelligent Data Retrieval and Representation for Cloud BIM
- 基于IFC的绿色性能分析数据转换与共享
- 基于 BIM 的建筑空间与设备拓扑信息提取及应用
- 面向我国绿色建筑评价的 IFC 适用性分析
- Framing and Evaluating the Best Practices of IFC-Based Automated Rule Checking: A Case Study
- 2019.1-2020.1:水利水电工程信息模型存储标准编制
- BIM Oriented Intelligent Data Mining and Representation
- A Natural‐Language‐Based Approach to Intelligent Data Retrieval and Representation for Cloud BIM
- 我们的论文被评为2017-2018年度《图学学报》优秀论文
- 基于 BIM 与物联网的钢构桥梁跨平台物料管理方法研究
- Monitoring Framework for Utility Tunnels based on BIM and IoT Technology
- BIM 与云、大数据、物联网等技术的集成应用现状与未来
- BIM- and IoT-based Monitoring Framework for Building Performance Management
- 装配式建筑建造全过程信息化管理
- A Review on Current Advances of Intelligent Construction Based on Bibliometric Analysis
- 基于数字孪生的智能决策支持方法
- 2015.1-2015.12:基于物联网的水电工程全生命期管理理论与系统架构研究
- 2016.9-2018.3:基于BIM和物联网的城市综合管廊运行监测与集成分析
- 大语言模型驱动的交互式建筑设计新范式——基于Rhino7的概念验证
- Enhanced Earthquake Impact Analysis based on Social Media Texts via Large Language Model
- ChatBIM: Interactive Data Retrieval and Visualization from BIM
- 2023.12-2027.11:建筑工程标准数字化知识库关键技术研究
- 基于 BIM 的建筑空间与设备拓扑信息提取及应用
- Automatic MEP Knowledge Acquisition Based on Documents and Natural Language Processing
- Rule-based Information Extraction for Mechanical-Electrical-Plumbing-Specific Semantic Web
- 智能审图成果获buildingSMART openBIM国际大奖赛专业研究类冠军
- BIM Oriented Intelligent Data Mining and Representation
- A Natural‐Language‐Based Approach to Intelligent Data Retrieval and Representation for Cloud BIM
- Automatic MEP Knowledge Acquisition Based on Documents and Natural Language Processing
- Automatic Construction of Building Code Graph for Regulation Intelligence
- 面向智能审图的规范条文命名实体识别
- Rule-based Information Extraction for Mechanical-Electrical-Plumbing-Specific Semantic Web
- Pretrained Domain-Specific Language Model for Natural Language Processing Tasks in the AEC Domain
- 基于 BERT 预训练模型的灾害推文分类方法
- Integrating NLP and Context-Free Grammar for Complex Rule Interpretation towards Automated Compliance Checking
- Knowledge-Informed Semantic Alignment and Rule Interpretation for Automated Compliance Checking
- 自动审图及智能审图研究与应用综述
- A Text Classification-based Approach for Evaluating and Enhancing the Machine Interpretability of Building Codes
- ChatBIM: Interactive Data Retrieval and Visualization from BIM
- 基于自然语言处理的审图规则智能抽取
- 2023.12-2027.11:建筑工程标准数字化知识库关键技术研究
- ART(AutoRuleTransform): 面向中文建筑规范智能解译的数据集及关键算法
- ARCBERT: 面向土木建筑领域的大规模语料库及领域预训练模型
- A Framework to Automate Reliability-based Structural Optimization based on Visual Programming and OpenSees
- BIM–based Time-varying System Reliability Analysis for Buildings and Infrastructures
- 基于可视化编程与OpenSees的结构可靠度优化
- A Natural‐Language‐Based Approach to Intelligent Data Retrieval and Representation for Cloud BIM
- A Multi-Server Information-Sharing Environment for Cross-Party Collaboration on a Private Cloud
- A Hybrid Data Mining Approach on BIM-based Building Operation and Maintenance
- Multiaspect Similarity Evaluation of BIM-Based Standard Dwelling Units for Residential Design
- Automating Closed-Loop Structural Safety Management for Bridge Construction through Multisource Data Integration
- Visualization of Indoor Thermal Environment on Mobile Devices based on Augmented Reality and Computational Fluid Dynamics
- A Review on 3D Spatial Data Analytics for Building Information Models
- Workpackage-based Information Modeling for Resource-Constrained Scheduling of Construction Projects
- Building Information Modeling–based Cyber-Physical Platform for Building Performance Monitoring
- Semantic Classification and Hash Code Accelerated Detection of Design Changes in BIM Models
- A Hybrid Data Mining Method for Tunnel Engineering Based on Real-Time Monitoring Data from Tunnel Boring Machines
- Understanding On-Site Inspection of Construction Projects based on Keyword Extraction and Topic Modeling
- A Framework for the Automatic Integration and Diagnosis of Building Energy Consumption Data
- Linking Data Model and Formula to Automate KPI Calculation for Building Performance Benchmarking
- An Approach to Twinning and Mining Collaborative Network of Construction Projects
- Knowledge Extraction and Discovery Based on BIM: A Critical Review and Future Directions
- Framing and Evaluating the Best Practices of IFC-Based Automated Rule Checking: A Case Study
- A Data Integration and Simplification Framework for Improving Site Planning and Building Design
- Deep Learning-based Instance Segmentation for Indoor Fire Load Recognition
- Rule-based Information Extraction for Mechanical-Electrical-Plumbing-Specific Semantic Web
- How Human-robot Collaboration Impacts Construction Productivity: An Agent-based Multi-fidelity Modeling Approach
- Digital Twin-Based Investigation of a Building Collapse Accident
- Pretrained Domain-Specific Language Model for Natural Language Processing Tasks in the AEC Domain
- Integrating NLP and Context-Free Grammar for Complex Rule Interpretation towards Automated Compliance Checking
- SODA: A Large-scale Open Site Object Detection Dataset for Deep Learning in Construction
- Knowledge-Informed Semantic Alignment and Rule Interpretation for Automated Compliance Checking
- Transforming Knowledge Management in the Construction Industry through Information and Communications Technology: A 15-year Review
- Maturity Assessment of Intelligent Construction Management
- Adaptive Control of Resource Flow to Optimize Construction Work and Cash Flow via Online Deep Reinforcement Learning
- Intelligent and Computer Technologies' Application in Construction
- System Reliability Analysis for Independent and Nonidentical Components based on Survival Signature
- Data-Driven Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Construction Supervisors
- Recent Research Progress in Intelligent Construction: A Comparison between China and Developed Countries
- BIM–based Time-varying System Reliability Analysis for Buildings and Infrastructures
- A Multilayer Perceptron-based Fast Sunlight Assessment for the Conceptual Design of Residential Neighborhoods under Chinese Policy
- A Text Classification-based Approach for Evaluating and Enhancing the Machine Interpretability of Building Codes
- Enhanced Earthquake Impact Analysis based on Social Media Texts via Large Language Model
- SODA: A Large-scale Open Site Object Detection Dataset for Deep Learning in Construction
- 混凝土结构表观质量缺陷识别算法性能测评与分析
adaptive control
agent-based modeling
- An Agent-based Approach for Modeling Human-robot Collaboration in Bricklaying
- How Human-robot Collaboration Impacts Construction Productivity: An Agent-based Multi-fidelity Modeling Approach
- Exploiting the Power of Human-Robot Collaboration: Coupling and Scale Effects in Bricklaying
- 基于智能体的施工场景人机协作过程仿真
agent-based simulation
- Towards BIM-based Model Integration and Safety Analysis for Bridge Construction
- A BIM-based Safety Monitoring and Analysis System for a High-speed Railway Bridge
- Automating Closed-Loop Structural Safety Management for Bridge Construction through Multisource Data Integration
anomaly detection
- 清华大学参编的北京市《岩土工程信息模型设计标准》正式发布
- 清华大学参编的能源行业标准《水电工程信息模型设计交付规范》正式发布
- 清华大学参编的能源行业标准《水电工程信息模型数据描述规范》正式发布
- 清华大学作为主编单位的《贵州省建筑信息模型技术应用标准》正式发布
- BIM 在工程施工中的应用
- 北京英特宜家购物中心工程BIM集成应用实践
- BIM Application in Owner and EPC Contractor Collaborative Management of a Large-Scale Public Building Project
- 基于云技术的建筑工程全生命期BIM集成管理应用
architectural design
artificial intelligence
association rule
atomic function
automated compliance checking
automated rule checking
- Integrating NLP and Context-Free Grammar for Complex Rule Interpretation towards Automated Compliance Checking
- Text Mining-Based Patent Analysis for Automated Rule Checking in AEC
automatic design
- Designtracking: Track and Replay BIM-Based Design Process
- Automatic Design Method of Building Pipeline Layout Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
automatic rule checking
- 基于BIM的施工资源配置仿真模型自动生成及应用
- Semantic Classification and Hash Code Accelerated Detection of Design Changes in BIM Models
- A Bibliometric Review of Visual Computing in Construction Industry
- A Hybrid Data Mining Method for Tunnel Engineering Based on Real-Time Monitoring Data from Tunnel Boring Machines
- A Framework to Automate Reliability-based Structural Optimization based on Visual Programming and OpenSees
- 基于可视化编程与OpenSees的结构可靠度优化
baidu index
- Classification and Exemplary BIM Models Development of Design Changes
- Semantic Classification and Hash Code Accelerated Detection of Design Changes in BIM Models
best paper
bibliometric analysis
bibliometric review
big data
- BIM 与云、大数据、物联网等技术的集成应用现状与未来
- 建筑能耗监测大数据存储与服务框架研究
- 基于搜索大数据的 BIM 发展现状与趋势分析
- 建筑能耗大数据清洗与案例研究
- 建筑运维期能耗大数据管理模式与架构
- Earthquake Impact Analysis Based on Text Mining and Social Media Analytics
- 2019.6-2020.6:基于BIM和大数据库的国家速滑馆全生命期管控技术与平台
- 三维计算机视觉(3D CV)及智慧建筑/城市主题论文征稿
- Sensors 期刊工程建造中的智能感知专刊论文征稿
- 开源建筑信息模型(BIM)工具列表
- Advances in Civil Engineering 期刊土木工程数字孪生论文征稿
- 清华大学紫荆公寓管网可靠性研究
- 基于BIM的洪灾场景地铁疏散快速模拟
- 知识图谱对工程安全管理的智能支持方法研究
- 基于知识驱动的建筑风环境灾害评估平台研究与实现
- BIM设计行为的多模态感知技术
- A Review on Current Advances of Intelligent Construction Based on Bibliometric Analysis
- 融合BIM与三维重建的施工进度数字孪生跟踪方法初探
- 基于Revit Model Checker的BIM审查规则库构建与案例测试
- BIM 技术在石济黄河桥施工安全管理中的应用
- A BIM-based Safety Monitoring and Analysis System for a High-speed Railway Bridge
- 基于 BIM 与物联网的钢构桥梁跨平台物料管理方法研究
- Automating Closed-Loop Structural Safety Management for Bridge Construction through Multisource Data Integration
- OpenBridgeGraph: 集成开放政府数据服务桥梁运维管理
- 2014.8-2015.12:白沙沱长江特大桥工程施工BIM应用系统
- 2015.1-2016.12:基于BIM的济南黄河公铁两用桥工程施工安全监测与4D动态管理系统
- 2015.1-2016.12:腾讯北京总部大楼工程施工BIM应用系统
- 2016.9-2017.12:昆明长水机场航站楼物业数字化管理信息平台研究
bridge management
- OpenBridgeGraph: Integrating Open Government Data for Bridge Management
- OpenBridgeGraph: 集成开放政府数据服务桥梁运维管理
- 土木、建管与信息科学交叉方向期刊、会议列表
- Automatic Construction of Building Code Graph for Regulation Intelligence
- Data Cleaning for Prediction and its Evaluation of Building Energy Consumption
- 2015.1-2018.12:基于BIM的大型公共建筑运维期安全管理技术研究
- 2015.6-2017.12:大型建筑工程智慧建造与运维关键技术研究与应用示范
- 2016.7-2019.6:基于BIM/GIS与物联网的地下管廊运行仿真、监测与集成管控
- 2019.1-2020.12:算法驱动的自适应交互式建筑能耗治理
building code
building codes
building collapse
building design
building information model
building information modeling
building performance
- Building Information Modeling–based Cyber-Physical Platform for Building Performance Monitoring
- 建筑能耗大数据清洗与案例研究
- A Framework for the Automatic Integration and Diagnosis of Building Energy Consumption Data
- Linking Data Model and Formula to Automate KPI Calculation for Building Performance Benchmarking
building permit
building resilience
building standard
built environment
call for paper
- 工程建造智能信息技术应用专刊第二期征稿
- 三维计算机视觉(3D CV)及智慧建筑/城市主题论文征稿
- 工程建造智能信息技术应用专刊征稿
- Sensors 期刊工程建造中的智能感知专刊论文征稿
- Advances in Civil Engineering 期刊土木工程数字孪生论文征稿
case study
- How Information Technology Can Improve Construction Management for General Contractor: A Case Study
- Maturity Assessment of Intelligent Construction Management
- 2019.1-2020.12:基于本体和 BIM 的消防设计自动审查方法
- 2019.10-2020.12:设计BIM模型自动审查方法研究
- 2020.1-2022.12:融合知识推理与性能仿真的性能消防设计审查方法
- 2024.1-2027.12:数据与知识融合驱动的复杂机电管线时空冲突辨识机理及优化方法
city information model
- 面向全生命期管理的水电工程信息分类编码研究
- Semantic Classification and Hash Code Accelerated Detection of Design Changes in BIM Models
- 设计变更分类及BIM示例模型开发
- ISARC设计变更分类及BIM示例模型开发
- 我们的论文被评为2017-2018年度《图学学报》优秀论文
- A Natural‐Language‐Based Approach to Intelligent Data Retrieval and Representation for Cloud BIM
- A Multi-Server Information-Sharing Environment for Cross-Party Collaboration on a Private Cloud
- 基于云计算的 BIM 集成管理机制研究
- 基于云技术的建筑工程全生命期BIM集成管理应用
- BIM 与云、大数据、物联网等技术的集成应用现状与未来
- 建筑能耗监测大数据存储与服务框架研究
- 装配式建筑建造全过程信息化管理
- Building Information Modeling–based Cyber-Physical Platform for Building Performance Monitoring
- 2013.1-2016.12:基于云计算的建筑全生命期BIM集成与应用关键技术研究
- 2017.7-2020.7:建筑及其机电系统标准化大数据的云端动态服务技术
cloud computing
cluster analysis
code graph
- BIM Application in Owner and EPC Contractor Collaborative Management of a Large-Scale Public Building Project
- A Multi-Server Information-Sharing Environment for Cross-Party Collaboration on a Private Cloud
- 2013.1-2016.12:基于云计算的建筑全生命期BIM集成与应用关键技术研究
- 2013.10-2016.10:基于全生命期绿色住宅产品化数字开发技术研究和应用
communication mode
- 2019.1-2020.12:基于本体和 BIM 的消防设计自动审查方法
- 2019.10-2020.12:设计BIM模型自动审查方法研究
- 2020.1-2022.12:融合知识推理与性能仿真的性能消防设计审查方法
compliance checking
- 智能审图成果获buildingSMART openBIM国际大奖赛专业研究类冠军
- 基于BIM的合规性自动审查
- 面向智能审图的规范条文命名实体识别
- 基于知识图谱的性能化消防设计审查方法
- Knowledge-Informed Semantic Alignment and Rule Interpretation for Automated Compliance Checking
- Text Mining-Based Patent Analysis for Automated Rule Checking in AEC
- 自动审图及智能审图研究与应用综述
- 中国自动合规性审查(自动/智能审图)发展现状
- 基于自然语言处理的审图规则智能抽取
- ART(AutoRuleTransform): 面向中文建筑规范智能解译的数据集及关键算法
computer technology
computer vision
- 工程建造智能信息技术应用专刊第二期征稿
- 三维计算机视觉(3D CV)及智慧建筑/城市主题论文征稿
- 工程建造智能信息技术应用专刊征稿
- Sensors 期刊工程建造中的智能感知专刊论文征稿
- SODA: A Large-scale Open Site Object Detection Dataset for Deep Learning in Construction
- 混凝土结构表观质量缺陷识别算法性能测评与分析
conceptual design
concrete structrue
constraint programming
- 工程建造智能信息技术应用专刊第二期征稿
- 工程建造智能信息技术应用专刊征稿
- 课题组成果荣获2021年上海市土木工程学会科技进步二等奖
- 清华大学作为主编单位的《贵州省建筑信息模型技术应用标准》正式发布
- “后疫情时代的建筑业数字变革”青年论坛成功在山西太原举办
- 土木、建管与信息科学交叉方向期刊、会议列表
- BIM 在工程施工中的应用
- 北京英特宜家购物中心工程BIM集成应用实践
- Leveraging BIM in Settlement Monitoring and Impact Management for Subway Excavation
- BIM 技术在石济黄河桥施工安全管理中的应用
- 基于BIM的施工资源配置仿真模型自动生成及应用
- Towards BIM-based Model Integration and Safety Analysis for Bridge Construction
- BIM Application in Owner and EPC Contractor Collaborative Management of a Large-Scale Public Building Project
- A BIM-based Safety Monitoring and Analysis System for a High-speed Railway Bridge
- 基于 BIM 与物联网的钢构桥梁跨平台物料管理方法研究
- How Information Technology Can Improve Construction Management for General Contractor: A Case Study
- A Multi-Server Information-Sharing Environment for Cross-Party Collaboration on a Private Cloud
- 我国 BIM 政策发展现状综述及其文本分析
- Application Framework for On-Site Safety and Quality Inspection based on WeChat
- Automating Closed-Loop Structural Safety Management for Bridge Construction through Multisource Data Integration
- Workpackage-based Information Modeling for Resource-Constrained Scheduling of Construction Projects
- 考虑生产效率与工艺的资源受限项目调度问题
- 基于BIM的合规性自动审查
- A Bibliometric Review of Visual Computing in Construction Industry
- A Hybrid Data Mining Method for Tunnel Engineering Based on Real-Time Monitoring Data from Tunnel Boring Machines
- An Agent-based Approach for Modeling Human-robot Collaboration in Bricklaying
- OpenBridgeGraph: Integrating Open Government Data for Bridge Management
- Understanding On-Site Inspection of Construction Projects based on Keyword Extraction and Topic Modeling
- Ontology-based Risk Assessment and Solution During Shield Tunnel Construction
- An Approach to Twinning and Mining Collaborative Network of Construction Projects
- Knowledge Extraction and Discovery Based on BIM: A Critical Review and Future Directions
- Parameterized FEA Model Generation and Simulation of Underground Structures Based on BIM: A Case Study
- Framing and Evaluating the Best Practices of IFC-Based Automated Rule Checking: A Case Study
- Automatic Construction of Building Code Graph for Regulation Intelligence
- Pretrained Domain-Specific Language Model for Natural Language Processing Tasks in the AEC Domain
- 数字化驱动智能建造
- Maturity Assessment of Intelligent Construction Management
- Intelligent and Computer Technologies' Application in Construction
- Data-Driven Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Construction Supervisors
- Recent Research Progress in Intelligent Construction: A Comparison between China and Developed Countries
- 融合BIM与三维重建的施工进度数字孪生跟踪方法初探
- 建设工程智能BIM平台未来发展
- 中国自动合规性审查(自动/智能审图)发展现状
- 基于智能体的施工场景人机协作过程仿真
- 2012.8-2014.12:英特宜家购物中心大兴项目二期工程BIM应用系统
- 2014.8-2015.12:白沙沱长江特大桥工程施工BIM应用系统
- 2014.8-2017.6:轨道交通BIM管理平台研究与开发
- 2015.1-2016.12:基于BIM的济南黄河公铁两用桥工程施工安全监测与4D动态管理系统
- 2015.1-2016.12:腾讯北京总部大楼工程施工BIM应用系统
- 2016.9-2017.12:昆明长水机场航站楼物业数字化管理信息平台研究
- 2018.12-2022.12:基于 BIM 的乡村住宅标准图集构建与查询技术
- 2019.6-2020.6:基于BIM和大数据库的国家速滑馆全生命期管控技术与平台
construction industry
- Knowledge-Informed Semantic Alignment and Rule Interpretation for Automated Compliance Checking
- Transforming Knowledge Management in the Construction Industry through Information and Communications Technology: A 15-year Review
construction optimization
construction productivity
- How Human-robot Collaboration Impacts Construction Productivity: An Agent-based Multi-fidelity Modeling Approach
- Exploiting the Power of Human-Robot Collaboration: Coupling and Scale Effects in Bricklaying
construction safety
construction simulation
construction site
- SODA: A Large-scale Open Site Object Detection Dataset for Deep Learning in Construction
- SODA: 面向建筑领域深度学习的施工现场图像数据集
construction supervision
construction supervisor
- Data-Driven Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Construction Supervisors
- 2020.11-2023.1:公路工程智慧监理技术应用与评价方法研究
context-free grammar
coupling effect
covid19 pandemic
- 面向室内火荷载识别的图片数据集
- SODA: 面向建筑领域深度学习的施工现场图像数据集
- ART(AutoRuleTransform): 面向中文建筑规范智能解译的数据集及关键算法
- ARCBERT: 面向土木建筑领域的大规模语料库及领域预训练模型
data analytics
data cleaning
data fusion
data integration
- OpenBridgeGraph: Integrating Open Government Data for Bridge Management
- A Framework for the Automatic Integration and Diagnosis of Building Energy Consumption Data
- A Data Integration and Simplification Framework for Improving Site Planning and Building Design
data management
data mining
- Sensors 期刊工程建造中的智能感知专刊论文征稿
- Advances in Civil Engineering 期刊土木工程数字孪生论文征稿
- BIM Oriented Intelligent Data Mining and Representation
- A Hybrid Data Mining Approach on BIM-based Building Operation and Maintenance
- A Hybrid Data Mining Method for Tunnel Engineering Based on Real-Time Monitoring Data from Tunnel Boring Machines
- A Framework for the Automatic Integration and Diagnosis of Building Energy Consumption Data
- BIM设计行为的多模态感知技术
- 基于数字孪生的智能决策支持方法
- 2017.7-2020.7:建筑及其机电系统标准化大数据的云端动态服务技术
- 2020.11-2023.1:公路工程智慧监理技术应用与评价方法研究
data model
data modeling
- 清华大学参编的能源行业标准《水电工程信息模型数据描述规范》正式发布
- OpenBridgeGraph: Integrating Open Government Data for Bridge Management
data protection
data quality
data retrieval
- OpenBridgeGraph: Integrating Open Government Data for Bridge Management
- ChatBIM: Interactive Data Retrieval and Visualization from BIM
data schema
data science
data security
data sensing
data sharing
decision making
- An Approach to Twinning and Mining Collaborative Network of Construction Projects
- 连接虚拟与现实世界,提升建筑工程决策过程
- 基于数字孪生的智能决策支持方法
decision support
deep learning
- Sensors 期刊工程建造中的智能感知专刊论文征稿
- Automatic MEP Knowledge Acquisition Based on Documents and Natural Language Processing
- Deep Learning-based Instance Segmentation for Indoor Fire Load Recognition
- 面向智能审图的规范条文命名实体识别
- Pretrained Domain-Specific Language Model for Natural Language Processing Tasks in the AEC Domain
- 基于 BERT 预训练模型的灾害推文分类方法
- Integrating NLP and Context-Free Grammar for Complex Rule Interpretation towards Automated Compliance Checking
- SODA: A Large-scale Open Site Object Detection Dataset for Deep Learning in Construction
- Automatic Design Method of Building Pipeline Layout Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
- 基于自然语言处理的审图规则智能抽取
- 2023.12-2026.11:基于建筑(群)数字孪生模型的工程工序可视化在线推演方法
- 2024.1-2027.12:数据与知识融合驱动的复杂机电管线时空冲突辨识机理及优化方法
- 面向室内火荷载识别的图片数据集
- SODA: 面向建筑领域深度学习的施工现场图像数据集
- ART(AutoRuleTransform): 面向中文建筑规范智能解译的数据集及关键算法
- ARCBERT: 面向土木建筑领域的大规模语料库及领域预训练模型
defect detection
dependent component
- 基于 BIM 的建筑基础设施可靠性评估
- 基于可视化编程与OpenSees的结构可靠度优化
- 2018.12-2022.12:基于 BIM 的乡村住宅标准图集构建与查询技术
- 2019.1-2020.12:基于本体和 BIM 的消防设计自动审查方法
- 2019.10-2020.12:设计BIM模型自动审查方法研究
- 2020.1-2022.12:融合知识推理与性能仿真的性能消防设计审查方法
- 2024.1-2027.12:数据与知识融合驱动的复杂机电管线时空冲突辨识机理及优化方法
design behavior
design behaviors
design change
- Semantic Classification and Hash Code Accelerated Detection of Design Changes in BIM Models
- 设计变更分类及BIM示例模型开发
- ISARC设计变更分类及BIM示例模型开发
design changes
design checking
design efficiency
design productivity
design quality
design review
digital transformation
digital twin
- 工程建造智能信息技术应用专刊第二期征稿
- 工程建造智能信息技术应用专刊征稿
- Sensors 期刊工程建造中的智能感知专刊论文征稿
- 开源建筑信息模型(BIM)工具列表
- 招收数字孪生基础设施防灾方向博士后1名
- Advances in Civil Engineering 期刊土木工程数字孪生论文征稿
- An Approach to Twinning and Mining Collaborative Network of Construction Projects
- Digital Twin-Based Investigation of a Building Collapse Accident
- 数字化驱动智能建造
- Recent Research Progress in Intelligent Construction: A Comparison between China and Developed Countries
- 融合BIM与三维重建的施工进度数字孪生跟踪方法初探
- Digital Selves Based Intelligent Construction Framework
- 连接虚拟与现实世界,提升建筑工程决策过程
- 基于数字孪生的智能决策支持方法
- 2023.12-2026.11:基于建筑(群)数字孪生模型的工程工序可视化在线推演方法
disaster prevention
disaster tweets
divide and conquer
domain corpora
domain corpus
domain specific model
- A Framework to Automate Reliability-based Structural Optimization based on Visual Programming and OpenSees
- 基于可视化编程与OpenSees的结构可靠度优化
- Earthquake Impact Analysis Based on Text Mining and Social Media Analytics
- Enhanced Earthquake Impact Analysis based on Social Media Texts via Large Language Model
enabling technology
- Ontology-Based Semantic Retrieval Method of Energy Consumption Management
- A Framework for the Automatic Integration and Diagnosis of Building Energy Consumption Data
energy consumption
evacuation simulation
facility management
finite element
fire load
fire load recognition
fire protection
fire safety
- Application Framework for On-Site Safety and Quality Inspection based on WeChat
- BIM- and IoT-based Monitoring Framework for Building Performance Management
- 建筑能耗监测大数据存储与服务框架研究
generative design
- A Framework to Automate Reliability-based Structural Optimization based on Visual Programming and OpenSees
- Parameterized FEA Model Generation and Simulation of Underground Structures Based on BIM: A Case Study
- 基于Bentley的路基支挡智能化设计方法
genetic algorithm
geometric optimization
geotechnical engineering
- Automatic MEP Knowledge Acquisition Based on Documents and Natural Language Processing
- OpenBridgeGraph: 集成开放政府数据服务桥梁运维管理
graph database
graph visualization
green building
hash code
hot paper
human factor
human factors
- How Human-robot Collaboration Impacts Construction Productivity: An Agent-based Multi-fidelity Modeling Approach
- Exploiting the Power of Human-Robot Collaboration: Coupling and Scale Effects in Bricklaying
human-computer interaction
human-machine intelligence
human-robot collaboration
- An Agent-based Approach for Modeling Human-robot Collaboration in Bricklaying
- How Human-robot Collaboration Impacts Construction Productivity: An Agent-based Multi-fidelity Modeling Approach
- Exploiting the Power of Human-Robot Collaboration: Coupling and Scale Effects in Bricklaying
- 基于智能体的施工场景人机协作过程仿真
hydropower engineering
image processing
image recognition
impact assessment
- Enhanced Earthquake Impact Analysis based on Social Media Texts via Large Language Model
- Digital Selves Based Intelligent Construction Framework
indoor scene
indoor thermal environment
- 清华大学参编的北京市《岩土工程信息模型设计标准》正式发布
- 课题组成果荣获2021年上海市土木工程学会科技进步二等奖
- 清华大学参编的能源行业标准《水电工程信息模型设计交付规范》正式发布
- 清华大学参编的能源行业标准《水电工程信息模型数据描述规范》正式发布
- 清华大学作为主编单位的《贵州省建筑信息模型技术应用标准》正式发布
- “后疫情时代的建筑业数字变革”青年论坛成功在山西太原举办
industry revolution
inforcement learning
information exchange
information extraction
information flow
information modeling
information requirement
information retrieval
information sharing
- 基于 BIM 的火灾仿真模拟研究
- 基于云计算的 BIM 集成管理机制研究
- 建筑工程信息共享机制与GDPR原则的适配性对比研究
- Digital Selves Based Intelligent Construction Framework
information system
information technology
- 招收数字孪生基础设施防灾方向博士后1名
- 基于 BIM 的建筑基础设施可靠性评估
- 基于BIM的洪灾场景地铁疏散快速模拟
- BIM–based Time-varying System Reliability Analysis for Buildings and Infrastructures
- 2021.1-2025.12:应对风险的城市基础设施韧性评估与管理
instance segmentation
- Towards BIM-based Model Integration and Safety Analysis for Bridge Construction
- A Relativity Evaluation Approach to Unstructured Document Integration and Retrieval for Building Information Modeling
- A Topological and Hierarchical Information Integration Approach for Standard-unit-based Residential Planning
- A Multi-Server Information-Sharing Environment for Cross-Party Collaboration on a Private Cloud
- 基于云计算的 BIM 集成管理机制研究
- Automating Closed-Loop Structural Safety Management for Bridge Construction through Multisource Data Integration
- 2013.1-2016.12:基于云计算的建筑全生命期BIM集成与应用关键技术研究
- 2015.6-2017.12:大型建筑工程智慧建造与运维关键技术研究与应用示范
intellgent regulation
intelligent construction
- 工程监理人员绩效智能评价方法研究综述
- 数字化驱动智能建造
- Maturity Assessment of Intelligent Construction Management
- A Review on Current Advances of Intelligent Construction Based on Bibliometric Analysis
- Intelligent and Computer Technologies' Application in Construction
- Data-Driven Quantitative Performance Evaluation of Construction Supervisors
- Recent Research Progress in Intelligent Construction: A Comparison between China and Developed Countries
- Digital Selves Based Intelligent Construction Framework
- 2020.11-2023.1:公路工程智慧监理技术应用与评价方法研究
intelligent design
- BIM设计行为的多模态感知技术
- A Text Classification-based Approach for Evaluating and Enhancing the Machine Interpretability of Building Codes
- 大语言模型驱动的交互式建筑设计新范式——基于Rhino7的概念验证
- 支持复杂规范条文解译的基元函数提取与分析
- 基于Bentley的路基支挡智能化设计方法
intelligent standard
intelligent supervision
intelligent technology
- 基于 BIM 的火灾仿真模拟研究
- 基于云计算的 BIM 集成管理机制研究
- A Review on 3D Spatial Data Analytics for Building Information Models
keyword extraction
- Sensors 期刊工程建造中的智能感知专刊论文征稿
- Automatic MEP Knowledge Acquisition Based on Documents and Natural Language Processing
- 2021.1-2025.12:应对风险的城市基础设施韧性评估与管理
knowledge discovery
knowledge extraction
- Knowledge Extraction and Discovery Based on BIM: A Critical Review and Future Directions
- 2024.1-2027.12:数据与知识融合驱动的复杂机电管线时空冲突辨识机理及优化方法
knowledge graph
- 面向法规智能的消防规范图谱构建及应用初探
- Linking Data Model and Formula to Automate KPI Calculation for Building Performance Benchmarking
- Knowledge Extraction and Discovery Based on BIM: A Critical Review and Future Directions
- 面向智能审图的规范条文命名实体识别
- 基于知识图谱的性能化消防设计审查方法
- Rule-based Information Extraction for Mechanical-Electrical-Plumbing-Specific Semantic Web
- Transforming Knowledge Management in the Construction Industry through Information and Communications Technology: A 15-year Review
- 知识图谱对工程安全管理的智能支持方法研究
- 基于知识驱动的建筑风环境灾害评估平台研究与实现
- 建筑工程标准规范智能解译关键技术及应用
- 2023.12-2026.11:基于建筑(群)数字孪生模型的工程工序可视化在线推演方法
- 2023.12-2027.11:建筑工程标准数字化知识库关键技术研究
knowledge learning
knowledge management
- Ontology-based Risk Assessment and Solution During Shield Tunnel Construction
- Transforming Knowledge Management in the Construction Industry through Information and Communications Technology: A 15-year Review
knowledge modeling
- Knowledge-Informed Semantic Alignment and Rule Interpretation for Automated Compliance Checking
- Transforming Knowledge Management in the Construction Industry through Information and Communications Technology: A 15-year Review
large foundation model
large language model
- 大语言模型驱动的交互式建筑设计新范式——基于Rhino7的概念验证
- Enhanced Earthquake Impact Analysis based on Social Media Texts via Large Language Model
- ChatBIM: Interactive Data Retrieval and Visualization from BIM
- 建筑工程标准规范智能解译关键技术及应用
- 2023.12-2027.11:建筑工程标准数字化知识库关键技术研究
laser scanning
latent dirichlet allocation
- 基于 BIM 的水电工程全生命期管理平台架构研究
- 面向全生命期管理的水电工程信息分类编码研究
- 基于云技术的建筑工程全生命期BIM集成管理应用
- 装配式建筑建造全过程信息化管理
- 2013.1-2016.12:基于云计算的建筑全生命期BIM集成与应用关键技术研究
- 2013.10-2016.10:基于全生命期绿色住宅产品化数字开发技术研究和应用
- 2015.1-2015.12:基于物联网的水电工程全生命期管理理论与系统架构研究
- 2015.6-2017.12:大型建筑工程智慧建造与运维关键技术研究与应用示范
- 2019.6-2020.6:基于BIM和大数据库的国家速滑馆全生命期管控技术与平台
linked data
machine learning
- 工程建造智能信息技术应用专刊第二期征稿
- 工程建造智能信息技术应用专刊征稿
- Sensors 期刊工程建造中的智能感知专刊论文征稿
- 基于知识驱动的建筑风环境灾害评估平台研究与实现
- Recent Research Progress in Intelligent Construction: A Comparison between China and Developed Countries
- 基于数字孪生的智能决策支持方法
- A Hybrid Data Mining Approach on BIM-based Building Operation and Maintenance
- Monitoring Framework for Utility Tunnels based on BIM and IoT Technology
- 建筑运维期能耗大数据管理模式与架构
- 基于 BIM 的建筑基础设施可靠性评估
- 2015.1-2018.12:基于BIM的大型公共建筑运维期安全管理技术研究
- 2016.7-2019.6:基于BIM/GIS与物联网的地下管廊运行仿真、监测与集成管控
- 2016.9-2018.3:基于BIM和物联网的城市综合管廊运行监测与集成分析
- 土木、建管与信息科学交叉方向期刊、会议列表
- BIM 技术在石济黄河桥施工安全管理中的应用
- 面向全生命期管理的水电工程信息分类编码研究
- 基于云技术的建筑工程全生命期BIM集成管理应用
- Automating Closed-Loop Structural Safety Management for Bridge Construction through Multisource Data Integration
- 装配式建筑建造全过程信息化管理
- Understanding On-Site Inspection of Construction Projects based on Keyword Extraction and Topic Modeling
- 连接虚拟与现实世界,提升建筑工程决策过程
- 2015.1-2015.12:基于物联网的水电工程全生命期管理理论与系统架构研究
- 2015.6-2017.12:大型建筑工程智慧建造与运维关键技术研究与应用示范
material management
maturity assessment
- Application Framework for On-Site Safety and Quality Inspection based on WeChat
- 面向移动终端的CFD仿真增强现实可视化方法
model updating
model view
modular building
- Operation-level 4D Modeling and Visualization for Modular Building based on Standard Activity Library
- 装配式建筑建造全过程信息化管理
- 装配式建筑BIM技术与平台发展
- Leveraging BIM in Settlement Monitoring and Impact Management for Subway Excavation
- BIM 技术在石济黄河桥施工安全管理中的应用
- A BIM-based Safety Monitoring and Analysis System for a High-speed Railway Bridge
- Monitoring Framework for Utility Tunnels based on BIM and IoT Technology
- BIM- and IoT-based Monitoring Framework for Building Performance Management
- Automating Closed-Loop Structural Safety Management for Bridge Construction through Multisource Data Integration
- Building Information Modeling–based Cyber-Physical Platform for Building Performance Monitoring
- A Hybrid Data Mining Method for Tunnel Engineering Based on Real-Time Monitoring Data from Tunnel Boring Machines
most downloaded
- 我们关于自动设计审查的论文进入清华大学学报当年下载排行榜
- 我们关于自动设计审查的论文被清华大学学报选为热点论文
- 我们的论文进入清华大学学报30天下载排行榜及2年阅读排行榜
- 我们的多篇论文处于相关期刊CNKI下载排行榜前列并被多次引用
- 我们的论文被评为2017-2018年度《图学学报》优秀论文
- 我们的论文入选Automation in Construction期刊90天下载排行榜
most read
mote carlo simulation
multi-fidelity modeling
- How Human-robot Collaboration Impacts Construction Productivity: An Agent-based Multi-fidelity Modeling Approach
- Exploiting the Power of Human-Robot Collaboration: Coupling and Scale Effects in Bricklaying
named entity
named entity recognition
natural language processing
- Rule-based Information Extraction for Mechanical-Electrical-Plumbing-Specific Semantic Web
- ChatBIM: Interactive Data Retrieval and Visualization from BIM
- 2023.12-2027.11:建筑工程标准数字化知识库关键技术研究
natural language understanding
neighbor search
- Automatic Construction of Building Code Graph for Regulation Intelligence
- OpenBridgeGraph: 集成开放政府数据服务桥梁运维管理
neural network
object detection
- SODA: A Large-scale Open Site Object Detection Dataset for Deep Learning in Construction
- 混凝土结构表观质量缺陷识别算法性能测评与分析
- SODA: 面向建筑领域深度学习的施工现场图像数据集
on-site inspection
- Ontology-Based Semantic Retrieval Method of Energy Consumption Management
- Ontology-based Risk Assessment and Solution During Shield Tunnel Construction
- Knowledge Extraction and Discovery Based on BIM: A Critical Review and Future Directions
- 基于知识图谱的性能化消防设计审查方法
- 2019.1-2020.12:基于本体和 BIM 的消防设计自动审查方法
open data
open dataset
open government data
- A Hybrid Data Mining Approach on BIM-based Building Operation and Maintenance
- 建筑运维期能耗大数据管理模式与架构
- 2015.1-2018.12:基于BIM的大型公共建筑运维期安全管理技术研究
- 2016.7-2019.6:基于BIM/GIS与物联网的地下管廊运行仿真、监测与集成管控
- 2016.9-2018.3:基于BIM和物联网的城市综合管廊运行监测与集成分析
- 基于 BIM 和日照分析的住宅策划方案楼栋布局优化技术研究
- Workpackage-based Information Modeling for Resource-Constrained Scheduling of Construction Projects
- 2023.12-2026.11:基于建筑(群)数字孪生模型的工程工序可视化在线推演方法
- 2024.1-2027.12:数据与知识融合驱动的复杂机电管线时空冲突辨识机理及优化方法
paradigm shift
parametric modeling
patent analysis
- 基于IFC的绿色性能分析数据转换与共享
- BIM- and IoT-based Monitoring Framework for Building Performance Management
- 2017.7-2020.7:建筑及其机电系统标准化大数据的云端动态服务技术
- 2018.1-2021.12:信息驱动下既有建筑物/群多尺度性能模拟与分析技术研究
- 2019.1-2020.12:算法驱动的自适应交互式建筑能耗治理
- 2020.1-2022.12:融合知识推理与性能仿真的性能消防设计审查方法
- 2020.11-2023.1:公路工程智慧监理技术应用与评价方法研究
performance evaluation
performance monitoring
performance-based design
pipeline layout
point cloud
- 智能审图成果获buildingSMART openBIM国际大奖赛专业研究类冠军
- 工程建造智能信息技术应用专刊第二期征稿
- 三维计算机视觉(3D CV)及智慧建筑/城市主题论文征稿
- 清华大学参编的北京市《岩土工程信息模型设计标准》正式发布
- 工程建造智能信息技术应用专刊征稿
- 课题组成果荣获2021年上海市土木工程学会科技进步二等奖
- Sensors 期刊工程建造中的智能感知专刊论文征稿
- 清华大学参编的能源行业标准《水电工程信息模型设计交付规范》正式发布
- 清华大学参编的能源行业标准《水电工程信息模型数据描述规范》正式发布
- 清华大学作为主编单位的《贵州省建筑信息模型技术应用标准》正式发布
- “后疫情时代的建筑业数字变革”青年论坛成功在山西太原举办
- 我们关于自动设计审查的论文进入清华大学学报当年下载排行榜
- 我们关于自动设计审查的论文被清华大学学报选为热点论文
- 土木、建管与信息科学交叉方向期刊、会议列表
- 开源建筑信息模型(BIM)工具列表
- 招收数字孪生基础设施防灾方向博士后1名
- Advances in Civil Engineering 期刊土木工程数字孪生论文征稿
- 我们的论文进入清华大学学报30天下载排行榜及2年阅读排行榜
- 我们的多篇论文处于相关期刊CNKI下载排行榜前列并被多次引用
- 我们的论文被评为2017-2018年度《图学学报》优秀论文
- 我们的论文入选Automation in Construction期刊90天下载排行榜
- 我指导的学生获清华大学学生研究训练(SRT)计划优秀项目一等奖
- 本人荣获11届北京市高校青年教师教学基本功大赛工科A组三等奖
- 本人荣获第八届清华大学青年教师教学大赛(工科组)一等奖
pretrained language model
- Pretrained Domain-Specific Language Model for Natural Language Processing Tasks in the AEC Domain
- 基于 BERT 预训练模型的灾害推文分类方法
- ARCBERT: 面向土木建筑领域的大规模语料库及领域预训练模型
pretrained model
- SODA: A Large-scale Open Site Object Detection Dataset for Deep Learning in Construction
- A Text Classification-based Approach for Evaluating and Enhancing the Machine Interpretability of Building Codes
- A Multi-Server Information-Sharing Environment for Cross-Party Collaboration on a Private Cloud
- 基于云计算的 BIM 集成管理机制研究
proactive design
process mining
process tracking
progress tracking
proximal policy optimization
public opinion
quantitative analysis
- Ontology-based Risk Assessment and Solution During Shield Tunnel Construction
- Knowledge Extraction and Discovery Based on BIM: A Critical Review and Future Directions
- 2020.1-2022.12:融合知识推理与性能仿真的性能消防设计审查方法
- 2021.1-2025.12:应对风险的城市基础设施韧性评估与管理
regulation intelligence
regulatory clause
regulatory documents
regulatory intelligence
reinforcement learning
- Automatic Design Method of Building Pipeline Layout Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning
- 2023.12-2026.11:基于建筑(群)数字孪生模型的工程工序可视化在线推演方法
- 2024.1-2027.12:数据与知识融合驱动的复杂机电管线时空冲突辨识机理及优化方法
relation extraction
reliability modeling
- A New Method on System Reliability Analysis based on Survival Signature Theory
- System Reliability Analysis for Independent and Nonidentical Components based on Survival Signature
- BIM–based Time-varying System Reliability Analysis for Buildings and Infrastructures
reliability-based design
- A Framework to Automate Reliability-based Structural Optimization based on Visual Programming and OpenSees
- 基于可视化编程与OpenSees的结构可靠度优化
- 招收数字孪生基础设施防灾方向博士后1名
- 我指导的学生获清华大学学生研究训练(SRT)计划优秀项目一等奖
- 面向计算流体力学仿真(CFD)数据可视化的AR工具及代码
- 面向室内火荷载识别的图片数据集
- SODA: 面向建筑领域深度学习的施工现场图像数据集
- ART(AutoRuleTransform): 面向中文建筑规范智能解译的数据集及关键算法
- ARCBERT: 面向土木建筑领域的大规模语料库及领域预训练模型
residential design
- BIM-Based Plan Modeling System at Preliminary Stage for Residential Real Estate Projects
- A Topological and Hierarchical Information Integration Approach for Standard-unit-based Residential Planning
- Multiaspect Similarity Evaluation of BIM-Based Standard Dwelling Units for Residential Design
residential project
resilient city
- 我们的论文入选Automation in Construction期刊90天下载排行榜
- 基于 4D-BIM 与过程模拟的施工进度—资源均衡
- 基于 4D-BIM 的施工进度-资源均衡模型自动构建与应用
- Workpackage-based Information Modeling for Resource-Constrained Scheduling of Construction Projects
- 考虑生产效率与工艺的资源受限项目调度问题
resource allocation
resource planning
- BIM Oriented Intelligent Data Mining and Representation
- A Natural‐Language‐Based Approach to Intelligent Data Retrieval and Representation for Cloud BIM
- A Relativity Evaluation Approach to Unstructured Document Integration and Retrieval for Building Information Modeling
- Multiaspect Similarity Evaluation of BIM-Based Standard Dwelling Units for Residential Design
- Ontology-Based Semantic Retrieval Method of Energy Consumption Management
- 我们的论文被评为2017-2018年度《图学学报》优秀论文
- 我国 BIM 政策发展现状综述及其文本分析
- BIM 与云、大数据、物联网等技术的集成应用现状与未来
- A Review on 3D Spatial Data Analytics for Building Information Models
- 基于BIM的合规性自动审查
- A Bibliometric Review of Visual Computing in Construction Industry
- 工程监理人员绩效智能评价方法研究综述
- Transforming Knowledge Management in the Construction Industry through Information and Communications Technology: A 15-year Review
- A Review on Current Advances of Intelligent Construction Based on Bibliometric Analysis
- Recent Research Progress in Intelligent Construction: A Comparison between China and Developed Countries
risk management
road engineering
- 工程建造智能信息技术应用专刊第二期征稿
- 工程建造智能信息技术应用专刊征稿
- An Agent-based Approach for Modeling Human-robot Collaboration in Bricklaying
- 基于智能体的施工场景人机协作过程仿真
rule checking
- 基于BIM的合规性自动审查
- 面向智能审图的规范条文命名实体识别
- 基于知识图谱的性能化消防设计审查方法
- 自动审图及智能审图研究与应用综述
- 支持复杂规范条文解译的基元函数提取与分析
- 基于Revit Model Checker的BIM审查规则库构建与案例测试
- 建筑工程标准规范智能解译关键技术及应用
- 中国自动合规性审查(自动/智能审图)发展现状
- 基于自然语言处理的审图规则智能抽取
rule extraction
rule intepretation
rule interpretation
- Integrating NLP and Context-Free Grammar for Complex Rule Interpretation towards Automated Compliance Checking
- Knowledge-Informed Semantic Alignment and Rule Interpretation for Automated Compliance Checking
- A Text Classification-based Approach for Evaluating and Enhancing the Machine Interpretability of Building Codes
- 支持复杂规范条文解译的基元函数提取与分析
- 基于Revit Model Checker的BIM审查规则库构建与案例测试
- 建筑工程标准规范智能解译关键技术及应用
- ART(AutoRuleTransform): 面向中文建筑规范智能解译的数据集及关键算法
rule match
rule reasoning
rule transformation
rural vitalization
- Leveraging BIM in Settlement Monitoring and Impact Management for Subway Excavation
- BIM 技术在石济黄河桥施工安全管理中的应用
- Towards BIM-based Model Integration and Safety Analysis for Bridge Construction
- A BIM-based Safety Monitoring and Analysis System for a High-speed Railway Bridge
- Automating Closed-Loop Structural Safety Management for Bridge Construction through Multisource Data Integration
- A Hybrid Data Mining Method for Tunnel Engineering Based on Real-Time Monitoring Data from Tunnel Boring Machines
- 连接虚拟与现实世界,提升建筑工程决策过程
- 2015.1-2016.12:基于BIM的济南黄河公铁两用桥工程施工安全监测与4D动态管理系统
- 2015.1-2016.12:腾讯北京总部大楼工程施工BIM应用系统
- 2016.9-2017.12:昆明长水机场航站楼物业数字化管理信息平台研究
scale effect
- 基于 4D-BIM 与过程模拟的施工进度—资源均衡
- 基于 4D-BIM 的施工进度-资源均衡模型自动构建与应用
- Visualization and Automatic Verification of a Schedule-Driven 4D Model
- Workpackage-based Information Modeling for Resource-Constrained Scheduling of Construction Projects
- 考虑生产效率与工艺的资源受限项目调度问题
search engine
- A Topological and Hierarchical Information Integration Approach for Standard-unit-based Residential Planning
- Multiaspect Similarity Evaluation of BIM-Based Standard Dwelling Units for Residential Design
- Ontology-Based Semantic Retrieval Method of Energy Consumption Management
- Semantic Classification and Hash Code Accelerated Detection of Design Changes in BIM Models
semantic alignment
semantic labeling
semantic network
semantic web
- Linking Data Model and Formula to Automate KPI Calculation for Building Performance Benchmarking
- Knowledge Extraction and Discovery Based on BIM: A Critical Review and Future Directions
- Rule-based Information Extraction for Mechanical-Electrical-Plumbing-Specific Semantic Web
sensor network
shading calculation
simulated annealing
- Advances in Civil Engineering 期刊土木工程数字孪生论文征稿
- 基于 4D-BIM 与过程模拟的施工进度—资源均衡
- 基于BIM的施工资源配置仿真模型自动生成及应用
- 基于 BIM 的火灾仿真模拟研究
- An Agent-based Approach for Modeling Human-robot Collaboration in Bricklaying
- 基于智能体的施工场景人机协作过程仿真
- 2018.1-2021.12:信息驱动下既有建筑物/群多尺度性能模拟与分析技术研究
- 2020.1-2022.12:融合知识推理与性能仿真的性能消防设计审查方法
simulation optimization
site planning
smart building and city
smart design
- A Framework to Automate Reliability-based Structural Optimization based on Visual Programming and OpenSees
- Framing and Evaluating the Best Practices of IFC-Based Automated Rule Checking: A Case Study
- 面向智能审图的规范条文命名实体识别
- 基于知识图谱的性能化消防设计审查方法
- Integrating NLP and Context-Free Grammar for Complex Rule Interpretation towards Automated Compliance Checking
- 基于可视化编程与OpenSees的结构可靠度优化
- 中国自动合规性审查(自动/智能审图)发展现状
social impact
social media
- 基于 BERT 预训练模型的灾害推文分类方法
- Enhanced Earthquake Impact Analysis based on Social Media Texts via Large Language Model
social media analytics
social network analysis
- An Approach to Twinning and Mining Collaborative Network of Construction Projects
- Text Mining-Based Patent Analysis for Automated Rule Checking in AEC
source code
- 面向计算流体力学仿真(CFD)数据可视化的AR工具及代码
- 面向室内火荷载识别的图片数据集
- SODA: 面向建筑领域深度学习的施工现场图像数据集
- ART(AutoRuleTransform): 面向中文建筑规范智能解译的数据集及关键算法
- ARCBERT: 面向土木建筑领域的大规模语料库及领域预训练模型
- Visualization and Automatic Verification of a Schedule-Driven 4D Model
- Multiaspect Similarity Evaluation of BIM-Based Standard Dwelling Units for Residential Design
- 2017.10-2019.12:面向建筑运维的BIM空间数据挖掘技术
spatial analytics
special issue
- 清华大学参编的北京市《岩土工程信息模型设计标准》正式发布
- 清华大学参编的能源行业标准《水电工程信息模型设计交付规范》正式发布
- 清华大学参编的能源行业标准《水电工程信息模型数据描述规范》正式发布
- 清华大学作为主编单位的《贵州省建筑信息模型技术应用标准》正式发布
- 2018.12-2022.12:基于 BIM 的乡村住宅标准图集构建与查询技术
- 2019.1-2020.1:水利水电工程信息模型存储标准编制
standard digitalization
standard library
- BIM-Based Plan Modeling System at Preliminary Stage for Residential Real Estate Projects
- Operation-level 4D Modeling and Visualization for Modular Building based on Standard Activity Library
standard unit
status tracking
structural behavior
structural optimization
- A Framework to Automate Reliability-based Structural Optimization based on Visual Programming and OpenSees
- 基于可视化编程与OpenSees的结构可靠度优化
structural simulation
subgrade retaining
sunlight analysis
survival signature
syntax parsing
system analysis
system optimization
system reliability
- A New Method on System Reliability Analysis based on Survival Signature Theory
- System Reliability Analysis for Independent and Nonidentical Components based on Survival Signature
systematic review
- 我指导的学生获清华大学学生研究训练(SRT)计划优秀项目一等奖
- 本人荣获11届北京市高校青年教师教学基本功大赛工科A组三等奖
- 本人荣获第八届清华大学青年教师教学大赛(工科组)一等奖
- 同心抗疫--AHK Spotlight让在线教学/演示汇报更自如
- AHK Spotlight v1.6发布,支持更多效果
- AHK Spotlight全新升级,支持矩形高亮与使用习惯记忆
text analysis
text classification
- 基于 BERT 预训练模型的灾害推文分类方法
- A Text Classification-based Approach for Evaluating and Enhancing the Machine Interpretability of Building Codes
text mining
- 我国 BIM 政策发展现状综述及其文本分析
- Understanding On-Site Inspection of Construction Projects based on Keyword Extraction and Topic Modeling
- 面向法规智能的消防规范图谱构建及应用初探
- Automatic Construction of Building Code Graph for Regulation Intelligence
- Text Mining-Based Patent Analysis for Automated Rule Checking in AEC
- Earthquake Impact Analysis Based on Text Mining and Social Media Analytics
- Enhanced Earthquake Impact Analysis based on Social Media Texts via Large Language Model
- 开源建筑信息模型(BIM)工具列表
- 面向计算流体力学仿真(CFD)数据可视化的AR工具及代码
- 同心抗疫--AHK Spotlight让在线教学/演示汇报更自如
- AHK Spotlight v1.6发布,支持更多效果
- AHK Spotlight全新升级,支持矩形高亮与使用习惯记忆
topic modeling
- A Topological and Hierarchical Information Integration Approach for Standard-unit-based Residential Planning
- 基于 BIM 的建筑空间与设备拓扑信息提取及应用
- Multiaspect Similarity Evaluation of BIM-Based Standard Dwelling Units for Residential Design
- 2017.10-2019.12:面向建筑运维的BIM空间数据挖掘技术
transfer learning
- Pretrained Domain-Specific Language Model for Natural Language Processing Tasks in the AEC Domain
- 基于 BERT 预训练模型的灾害推文分类方法
- SODA: A Large-scale Open Site Object Detection Dataset for Deep Learning in Construction
- 2012年春 工程计算机制图 助教
- 2013年春 工程计算机制图 助教
- 2017年春 工程计算机制图 教师
- 2018年秋 建筑信息模型技术基础 教师
- 2019年春 工程计算机制图 教师
- 2019年秋 建筑信息模型技术基础 负责教师
- 2020年春 工程计算机制图 教师
- 2020年秋 建筑信息模型技术基础 负责教师
- 2020年秋 数据科学 负责教师
- 2021年春 工程计算机制图 教师
unstructured document
utility tunnel
- Monitoring Framework for Utility Tunnels based on BIM and IoT Technology
- 2016.9-2018.3:基于BIM和物联网的城市综合管廊运行监测与集成分析
visual computing
visual defects
visual programming
- A Framework to Automate Reliability-based Structural Optimization based on Visual Programming and OpenSees
- Parameterized FEA Model Generation and Simulation of Underground Structures Based on BIM: A Case Study
- 基于可视化编程与OpenSees的结构可靠度优化
- 面向 Web 的 BIM 三维浏览与信息管理
- Visualization and Automatic Verification of a Schedule-Driven 4D Model
- Leveraging BIM in Settlement Monitoring and Impact Management for Subway Excavation
- Operation-level 4D Modeling and Visualization for Modular Building based on Standard Activity Library
- Visualization of Indoor Thermal Environment on Mobile Devices based on Augmented Reality and Computational Fluid Dynamics
- 连接虚拟与现实世界,提升建筑工程决策过程
- 面向移动终端的CFD仿真增强现实可视化方法
- 面向计算流体力学仿真(CFD)数据可视化的AR工具及代码